2D Graphical User Interfaces for Desktop-based and Mobile Computer Applications
- 2D grafische Nutzerschnittstellen für Desktop-basierte und mobile Computeranwendungen -
Module IN 2112
Vorlesung + Übungen im Wintersemester 2011/12
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (mit Tayfur Coskun, Amal Benzina und Eva Artinger)
5 ECTS Credits
The class will be taught in English.
Time & Location
Lecture: Thursdays 12:30 - 14:00,
MI 00.13.009A (Multimedia room)
Lecture starts on Thursday, 20. October, 2011
Exercises: ...tba...
Exercises start on ...tba...
More Information
Intended audience:
- Diploma students: Hauptstudium Informatik I (Praktische Informatik)
- Senior bachelor students with interest in pursuing a bachelor's thesis in this area
- Master students (Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bioinformatik)
- Grundstudium Informatik
- First two years of Bachelor Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bioinformatik
- The class consists of both a weekly lecture and weekly exercises!
- Exercises constitute half of the credits and thus will make up half of the grade (exam questions).
- Exam questions will be based on experiences gained by attending the excercise meetings and by working on the homework. It will not be enough to just read and understand solutions to the homework. The learning experience and insights gained by struggling with the assignments is essential.
Exams: written, closed book
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Language: assignment sheet in English, answers can be given in English or German
- Schedule: ...tba...
- There will be a 0.3 bonus for good project presentations
Office hours:
Schedule (subject to change)
Date | Subject | links to slides (restricted) |
20.10.11 | 1. Introduction and Overview | |
| 2. Human Factors | |
| 3. Theories, Principles and Guidelines | |
| 4. Evaluation of User Interface Designs | |
| 5. Interaction Styles: Direct Manipulation | |
| 6. Interaction Styles: Menu Selection Form Filling, Dialog Boxes | |
22.12.11 | Lab Visit | - | |
| 7. Design Process | |
| 8. Interaction Devices | |
| 9. User Interface Building Tools and Collaborative User Interfaces | |
| 10. Collaborative Interfaces | |
9.2.12 | Student Demos: Results of Exercises | - |
The lecture will be based on the book:
- Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (5. ed.) by: Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant. Pearson International Edition. Addison-Wesley Pearson Education, 2009. ISBN: 0321537351,
Further reading:
- Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millenium by: John M. Caroll (ed.). Addison Wesley Pearson Education, 2001. ISBN 0-201-70447-1
- Usability Engineering by: Jakob Nielsen. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. ISBN 0-12-518406-9
- The Design of Everyday Things by: Donald A. Norman. Basic Books, 2002. ISBN 0-465-06710-7
- Doing Psychology Experiments by: David W. Martin. Cengage Learning Services, 2007. ISBN 0495115770.