
ICCV 2013

Submission Instructions

Papers must describe high-quality, original research in areas related to modeling and analysis of dynamic scenes and their applications. By submitting a manuscript to 4DMOD, the authors assert that the submitted papers are not substantially similar to any paper published or submitted elsewhere. All submissions will be handled electronically through Microsoft Conference Management System CMT:

that will be open soon for submissions. The deadline for submissions is September 7, 2013 at 23:59h GMT. Submission of the supplementary material is allowed until one week after the paper submission deadline and is fixed until September 14, 2013 at 23:59h GMT.

No double submission to other conferences is allowed. Instructions on paper submission can be found at this web site. Please refer to the following files for detailed formatting instructions:

Workshop papers should be submitted using the above templates. Submissions can be up to 8 pages in length prepared in this ICCV format with no additional charges.

All papers will be subject to peer review and published by the IEEE and will be part of the ICCV proceedings distributed on the conference DVD. Submitted papers must comply with the ICCV style and length requirements (up to 8 pages). 4DMOD reviewing is double blind, all papers should follow the usual guidelines for preservation of anonymity.

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