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PhD student, Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Informatik
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Room: MI 03.13.035 |
Email: yanyan.li@tum.de |
- Oct 1 (2021): a dense semantic reconstruction paper pushed to arXiv.
- May 26 (2021): a stereo matching paper pused to arXiv, accepted to RA-L/IROS' 21
- March 1 (2021): two papers accepted to ICRA' 21
- Sep 9 (2020): 1 Paper accepted to RA-L
- Jul 2 (2020): 1 Paper accepted to RA-L/IROS' 20
Student Project
Feel free to contact me if you're interested in a bachelor's or master's thesis related to my research areas.
Research topics
- Camera pose estimation for robots and autonomous-driving cars based on geometric and learning methods.
- Geometric prediction and understanding.
TOPIC: Tracking, Reconstruction and Scene Understanding for Indoor Environments
The basic idea of this topic is to propose a dense-accuracy-robust-efficient-semantic (Dares) SLAM system for indoor scenes, which makes uses of RGB-D/Stereo/Monocular and IMU sensors. Benefiting from the constraints between common features of indoor environments and new optimization strategies, we pursue to achieve a high-level accuracy.
Thanks to those outstanding contributors, it is cheap to obtain a dense reconstruction map based on estimated camera poses. But how to make the map lighter and higher quality still requires more contributions. Deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance in more and more computer vision topics, so how to combine those SOTA methods with geometric-based SLAM systems to help robots understand unknown scenes is also a necessary and interesting section in this topic.
Structure-SLAM: Low-Drift Monocular SLAM in Indoor Environments[slides]
We present a low-drift monocular SLAM method targeting indoor scenarios. Our approach decouples rotation and translation estimation of the tracking process to reduce the long-term drift in indoor environments.
Co-Planar Parametrization for Stereo-SLAM and Visual-Inertial Odometry [code] [video]
This work builds an efficient and robust parametrization for co-planar points&lines, which leverages specific geometric constraints to improve camera pose optimization in terms of both efficiency and accuracy.
RGB-D SLAM with Structural Regularities [code] [video]
This work builds a SLAM architecture for RGB-D sensors, which makes use of structure regularities of indoor scenes and provides accurate pose estimation and compact mesh on a CPU.
ManhattanSLAM?: Robust Planar Tracking and Mapping Leveraging Mixture of Manhattan Frames
This work builds a RGB-D SLAM system for general indoor scenes.