Shared files area
Place for papers, logos, etc...
- First draft for the GUI:
- Kick-Off Presentation for the Workflow project: "First Steps Towards Recovery and Monitoring of Surgical Workflow":

- (PDF): Paper by [Wang/Gasser97]: Synchronization of m curves
- (PDF): Paper by [Kassidas98]: Automated weighting of batch variables, used for automated weighting of instruments when using the DTW
- (PDF): Master thesis of Murphy under the supervision of Hager - It describes the usage of Hidden Markov Models for segmentation of 3D movements. Their approach would be a good complement to be integrated into our workflow detection. (112 pages, good explanations)
- The GUI, displaying two different OPs, both currently clipping a vessel:
- (PDF): Bachelor Thesis (by Ahmad): "First Steps Towards Monitoring and Recovery of Surgical Workflow"