
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Place for papers, logos, etc...

  • First draft for the GUI:

    Erster Entwurf für die GUI
  • Kick-Off Presentation for the Workflow project: "First Steps Towards Recovery and Monitoring of Surgical Workflow":


    Kick-Off Presentation

  • (PDF): Paper by [Wang/Gasser97]: Synchronization of m curves

  • (PDF): Paper by [Kassidas98]: Automated weighting of batch variables, used for automated weighting of instruments when using the DTW

  • (PDF): Master thesis of Murphy under the supervision of Hager - It describes the usage of Hidden Markov Models for segmentation of 3D movements. Their approach would be a good complement to be integrated into our workflow detection. (112 pages, good explanations)

  • The GUI, displaying two different OPs, both currently clipping a vessel:
    The GUI, displaying two different OPs, both currently clipping a vessel

  • (PDF): Bachelor Thesis (by Ahmad): "First Steps Towards Monitoring and Recovery of Surgical Workflow"

I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
GUI_Skizze_01.png manage 107.8 K 01 Sep 2005 - 19:37 RalfStauder Erster Entwurf für die GUI
introP.ppt manage 2371.0 K 02 Sep 2005 - 12:08 AhmadAhmadi Kick-Off Presentation
WangGasser_97_Alignmentofcurvesbydynamictimewarping.pdf manage 411.6 K 06 Sep 2005 - 16:49 AhmadAhmadi Paper by [Wang/Gasser97]: Synchronization of m curves
Kassidas_98_SynchronizationofBatchTrajectoriesUsingDTW.pdf manage 1357.0 K 26 Sep 2005 - 15:50 AhmadAhmadi Paper by [Kassidas98]: Automated weighting of batch variables
GUI_5_OPs_hochkant.png manage 613.9 K 04 Nov 2005 - 13:58 RalfStauder The current GUI with 2 different OPs loaded 5x
MurphyHagerthesis_04_SurgicalSkillEvaluationwithHiddenMarkovModels.pdf manage 1855.7 K 04 Nov 2005 - 14:02 AhmadAhmadi Master thesis of Murphy under the supervision of Hager - It describes the usage of Hidden Markov Models for segmentation of 3D movements. Their approach would be a good complement to be integrated into our workflow detection. (112 pages, good explanations)
GUI_Klammer.png manage 439.1 K 04 Nov 2005 - 14:17 RalfStauder The GUI, displaying two different OPs, both currently clipping a vessel
BAfinal.pdf manage 485.1 K 17 Jan 2006 - 12:29 AhmadAhmadi Bachelor Thesis (by Ahmad): "First Steps Towards Monitoring and Recovery of Surgical Workflow"

Edit | Attach | Refresh | Diffs | More | Revision r1.11 - 17 Jan 2006 - 12:31 - AhmadAhmadi

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