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TUMMIC - Thoroughly consistent User-centered Man Machine Interaction in Cars

TUMMIC - Thoroughly consistent User-centered Man Machine Interaction in Cars

Scientific Director: Gudrun Klinker

Contact Person(s): Marcus Tönnis

In industrial collaboration with:
ZT-3, BMW Forschung & Technik GmbH

Keywords: HCI in Cars


The focus of this project relies on the HCI part of automobile technology. Even if sensory information is necessary, the project assumes THE sensor system and therefore focusses on the evaluation of HCIs.


Contact Person(s)

Marcus Toennis
Dr. Marcus Toennis


Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik / I16
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München

Tel.: +49 89 289-17058
Fax: +49 89 289-17059
Visit our lab at Garching.

internal project page

Please contact Marcus Tönnis for available student projects within this research project.


Project: TUMMIC (Thoroughly consistent User-centered Man Machine Interaction in Cars)

Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR)

General Description

The focus of this project relies on the HCI part of automobile technology. Even if sensory information is necessary, the project assumes THE sensor system and therefore focusses on the evaluation of HCIs.


Sponsored by industry.

Associated People

Verena Broy, Gudrun Klinker and Marcus Tönnis

Associated Projects



PARENT is a design and evaluation platform for innovative driver assistance systems and their HCI. On the one hand, traffic scenarios can easily be generated and evaluated. On the other hand, generated HCI concepts are easy to evaluate against a baseline.

Application PARENT



The goal of CAR is to create a collaboration platform for computer scientists (UI programmers) and non-technicans (human factors, psychologists etc.). The platform allows collaborative design of visualizations and interaction metaphors to be used in the next-generation cars with Head-Up Displays. We focus on two scenarios: parking assistance and a tourist guide.

Demo CAR

Associated Publications

M. Tönnis, G. Klinker
Effective Control of a Car Driver's Attention for Visual and Acoustic Guidance towards the Direction of Imminent Dangers
The Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Oct. 22 - 25, 2006, pp. 13-22. (bib)
Laura K. Thompson, C. Lange, M. Tönnis
Using Glance Behaviour to Evaluate ACC Driver Controls in a Driving Simulator
The 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), San Francisco, USA, Oct. 16 - 20, 2006. Alphonse Chapanis Student Paper Award (bib)
V. Broy, F. Althoff, G. Klinker
Animationen für Fahrerinformationssysteme: Ablenkungspotenzial oder Steigerung der Usability? (Graphical Animations for In-Vehicle Information Systems)
Tagungsband der Fachtagung für Nutzergerechte Gestaltung Technischer Systeme, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 10 - 11, 2006. (bib)
C. Lange, M. Tönnis, H.Bubb, G. Klinker
Einfluss eines aktiven Gaspedals auf Akzeptanz, Blickverhalten und Fahrperformanz (Effect of an Active Gas Pedal on Acceptance, Gaze Behavior and Driving Performance)
VDI/VW Gemeinschaftstagung "Integrierte Sicherheit und Fahrerassistenzsysteme", Wolfsburg, Germany, Oct. 12 - 13, 2006. (bib)
M. Tönnis, C. Lange, G. Klinker, H.Bubb
Transfer von Flugschlauchanzeigen in das Head-Up Display von Kraftfahrzeugen (Transfer of Flight Tunnel Visualizations into the Head-Up Display of Cars)
VDI/VW Gemeinschaftstagung "Integrierte Sicherheit und Fahrerassistenzsysteme", Wolfsburg, Germany, Oct. 12 - 13, 2006. (bib)
V. Broy, F. Althoff, G. Klinker
iFlip: A Metaphor for In-vehicle Information Systems
Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), Venice, Italy, May 23 - 26, 2006, pp. 155-158. (bib)
Laura K. Thompson, M. Tönnis, C. Lange, H.Bubb, G. Klinker
Effect of Active Cruise Control Design on Glance Behaviour and Driving Performance
The 16th World Congress on Ergonomics (International Ergonomics Association, IEA), Maastricht, Netherlands, Jul. 10 - 14, 2006. Best paper on Vehicle Ergonomics Symposium (bib)
M. Tönnis, C. Sandor, G. Klinker, C. Lange, H.Bubb
Experimental Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Visualization for Directing a Car Driver’s Attention
The Fourth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 5 - 8, 2005, pp 56-59. (bib)
M. Tönnis, V. Broy, G. Klinker
A Survey of Challenges Related to the Design of 3D User Interfaces for Car Drivers
The 1st IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (in conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality Conference), Alexandria, Virginia USA, Mar. 25 - 26, 2006, pp. 127-134. (bib)
V. Novak, C. Sandor, G. Klinker
An AR Workbench for Experimenting with Attentive User Interfaces
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2004, Arlington, VA, USA, Nov 2-4, 2004 (bib)

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