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3D Computer Vision I - Summer Term 2011

Administrative Info

Lecture by Prof. Nassir Navab
Exercises by Slobodan Ilic and Stefan Hinterstoisser
and Alexandru Duliu and Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel

Type: Lecture Module IN2057
Programs: Informatics (Bachelor, Master)
Informatics (Diploma, Wahlpflichtfach, Theoretische Informatik)
Information Systems (Bachelor), Computational Science and Engineering (Master)
Master Sports Engineering
SWS: 2+2
ECTS: 5 Credits
Course Language: English

Time, Location & Requirements

Lecture: Tuesday 10:00-11:30 MI 03.13.010

Exercises: Thursday 13:00-14:30 MI 03.13.010


  • The classes and exam are in English
  • Exams are to be written in English only
  • For the intermediate exam, only one handwritten Din A4 (front+back) page with notes is allowed; calculators are allowed (however, computers are not allowed!)
  • For the final exam, only one handwritten Din A4 page (front+back) with notes is allowed; calculators are allowed (however, computers are not allowed!)
  • The final exam contains 100 points, you need to have 50 points to pass it
  • Up to 40 bonus points can be earned from the homework and the intermediate exam

Site Content


The end-term exam is finally corrected, and the grades have been entered on TUM Online.

You can examine your corrected exams on Thursday, September 15, between 10:30 am and 12:00 pm.

The repeat exam will take place on Thursday, September 29, in room MI 03.13.010 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.


Please register through TUMOnline.


Homework will be checked on June 9 and July 7 at 04:00 pm and July 26 at 10am. Please note that we postponed the last date due to multiple request. On these dates students have to show their homework either on their own computer or on the computers of the CAMP-Lab. In these sessions, we will check all the previous yet unchecked assignments.


In order to do the exercises students must know how to program in Matlab. A basic introduction is given on Mai 5th during the exercise. Please read the Matlab tutorial/sheet given under Exercises if you want to attend!


Making a computer see was something that leading experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence thought to be at the level of difficulty of a summer student's project back in the sixties. Forty years later the task is still unsolved and seems formidable. A whole field, called Computer Vision, has emerged as a discipline in itself with strong connections to mathematics and computer science and looser connections to physics, the psychology of perception and the neuro sciences.

Over the past decade there has been a rapid development in the understanding and modeling of the geometry of multiple views in computer vision. The theory and practice have now reached a level of maturity where excellent results can be achieved for problems that were unsolved a decade ago, and often thought unsolvable. These tasks and algorithms include problems like:
Given two/three/multiple images, and no further information, compute/estimate:

  • matches between the images
  • the 3D position of the points that generate these matches
  • the cameras that generate the images

(Adapted form Hartley & Zisserman's "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision")

The fundamental mathematics and a profound comprehension of the basics of projective geometry as well as one-view geometry are the core of the lecture 3D Computer Vision.

Lecture Content

  1. Intro, motivation & Overview
  2. 2D Transformations
  3. Projective 2D Geometry
  4. 3D Transformations
  5. Projective 3D Geometry
  6. Parameter Estimation
  7. Camera Models
  8. Camera Calibration
  9. Conclusion & Discussion

Lecture Schedule

Date Conducted by Topic Material/Literature
Tue. 03.05.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Introduction and Motivation Introduction (without Videos)
Tue. 10.05.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Basic Transformations & 2D Projective Geometry Lecture 1
Tue. 17.05.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Transformations & 2D Projective Geometry Lecture 2
Tue. 24.05.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Parameter Estimation: Linear Estimation, DLT, Cost Functions Lecture 3 & 4
Tue. 31.05.11   No lecture! Studentische Vollversammlung (SVV)  
Tue. 07.06.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Parameter Estimation: Sampson Error, Statistical Cost Functions Lecture 4
Tue. 14.06.11   No lecture! Whit Holidays  
Tue. 21.06.11   Midterm Exam in MW 1350  
Tue. 28.06.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Algorithm Evaluation & Error Analysis Lecture 7
Tue. 05.07.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Projection and Camera Models Lecture 8
Tue. 12.07.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Computation of the Projection Matrix Lecture 9
Tue. 19.07.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Camera Models II Lecture 11
Thu. 21.07.11 Prof. Nassir Navab Modeling and Correction of Distortion  
Fri. 29.07.11   Endterm Exam in MW 1550  

Exercise Schedule

Date Conducted by Topic Exercises Solutions Homework due
Thu 05.05.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Matlab Introduction    
Thu 12.05.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Homogeneous Coordinates, Hierarchy of Transformations (2D), Duality of Points and Lines (also under Transformations)
June 9
Thu 19.05.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Transformations, Rotation representations, Rodriges Formula, Representing Projective Geometry in R3
June 9
Thu 26.05.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Cross-Ratio of Points and Lines, DLT, Mosaicing June 9
Thu 02.06.11   No exercises! Ascension Day      
Thu 09.06.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Singular Value Decomposition, Pseudoinverse
We will check your homework for the previous exercise sheets at 04:00 pm.
July 7
Thu 16.06.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Error Models, Homography, RANSAC July 7
Thu 23.06.11   No exercises! Corpus Christi      
Thu 30.06.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Error Propagation July 7
Thu 07.07.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Projection Matrices, Camera Calibration
We will check your homework for the previous exercise sheets at 04:00 pm.
July 26
Thu 14.07.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Camera Calibration continued July 26
Thu 21.07.11   Lecture instead of exercises.
Tue 26.07.11 Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer and Jakob Vogel Due to multiple request we postponed the homework correction. We will check your homework for the previous exercise sheets at 10:00 am.    


  • Midterm Exam: Tue, June 21, 2011, 10:00 am – 12:00 am (Results)
  • Final Exam: Fri, July 29, 2011, 03:30 pm – 05:30 pm, MW 1550
  • Repeat Exam: Thr, Sept. 29, 2011, 10:00 am – 12:00 am,


  • Primary Reading
    • Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Richard Hartley & Andrew Zisserman

  • General Introduction to 3D Computer Vision
    • Three-Dimensional Computer Vision by Olivier Faugeras
    • Computer Vision: A Modern Approach by David A. Forsyth & Jean Ponce
    • Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision by Emanuele Trucco & Alessandro Verri

  • More Specific Readings
    • The Geometry of Multiple Images: The Laws That Govern the Formation of Multiple Images of a Scene and Some of Their Applications by Olivier Faugeras, Quang-Tuan Luong, Theodore H. Papadopoullos; MIT Press; 2001

Title: 3D Computer Vision I
Professor: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
Tutors: Dr. Slobodan Ilic, Stefan Hinterstoisser, Alexandru Duliu, Stefan Holzer, Jakob Vogel
Type: Lecture
Information: 2+2 SWS, 5 ECTS, Theoretische Informatik, Wahlpflichtfach
Term: 2011SoSe
Abstract: The class covers projective and one-view geometry for Computer Vision Applications.

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