Computer Aided Medical Procedures II - IN2022
Prof. Nassir Navab
Dr. Maximilian Baust
Time & Location
This lecture teaches students to transfer their knowledge from the field of medical imaging and computer assisted interventions to practical algorithms. During the classes, the students get exposed to particular problems from segmentation, registration, navigation, tracking, and medical augmented reality and are then guided when implementing those algorithms themselves using MATLAB during the exercises. They thus gain deep insight into medical image computing and will be, by the end, able to implement solutions for computer aided medical procedures.
- Basic knowledge in image computing (not necessarily acquired through the CAMP I lecture)
- Interest in algorithmic/implementation aspects
- Specific knowledge in MATLAB is not required but beneficial. However, you should be somehow skilled in programming.
- Module Spezification: IN2022
- SWS: 2+2
- ECTS: 5 Credits
- Course Language: English
- Exam: 90 minutes, written, closed book
Course Schedule
- [1] Cleve Moler. Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Mathworks (2004).
- [2] Tony Lindberg. Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision, Springer (1994).
- [3] Irwin Sobel. An Isotropic 3x3 Image Gradient Operator, personal note (2014).
- [4] Pietro Perona, Jitendra Malik. Scale Space and Edge Detection using Anisotropic Diffusion, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1990).
- [5] Ery Arias-Castro, David Donoho. Does median filtering truly preserve edges better than linear filtering?, Annals of Statistics (2009).
- [6] Peter Burt, Edward Adelson. The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code, IEEE Transactions on Communications (1983).
- [7] Antonin Chambolle, Thomas Pock. A first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with applications to imaging. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2011).
- [8] Neal Parikh and Stephen Boyd. Proximal Algorithms, Foudnations and Trends in Optimization (2014).
- [9] Couprie, Camille, et al. Power watershed: A unifying graph-based optimization framework. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 33.7 (2011).
- [10] A. K. Sinop and L. Grady. A seeded image segmentation framework unifying graph cuts and random walker which yields a new algorithm. In Proc. of ICCV’07, (2007).
- [11] Grady L.: Random Walks for Image Segmentation, IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 11, (2006).
- [12]
Aristeidis Sotiras, Christos Davatzikos, and Nikos Paragios. Deformable medical image registration: A survey. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 32(7):1153–1190, 2013.