ISMAR 2005 Program
Please find details on the conference program, oral presentations, demo and poster session on
advance program.

ISMAR 05 Presentation Room, copyright 2005 by A. L. Fuhrmann
The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality is this year divided into four tracks: The main conference from Oct. 6-8 with oral presentations, a poster session for short presentation of pointed results, a demo session for actual hands-on experience of working systems, and a workshop on Industrial Applications of Augmented Reality on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
- Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality, Oct. 5, 2005
- Paper Presentations, Oct. 6-8, 2005 ( for details see advance program)
- Poster Session, Oct. 8, 2005 ( for details see advance program)
- Demo Session Oct. 6/7, 2005, Demo Teaser Session Oct. 6, 2005 ( for details see advance program)
- Panel Discussion on Hand-Held Augmented Reality, Oct. 7, 2005
Conference Location
The paper presentations will be held in the former
Aula of the
university of vienna, which is now the location of the
austrian academy of science
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)
A-1010 Wien
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel.: (+43 1) 51581-0
The presentation room is decorated with a
stucco ceiling containing a large painting by the
italian artist Gregorio Guglielmi (1755), which shows in the tradition of late
baroque allegoric pictures of the
four faculties of the university at that time: medicine, philosophy, law, and theology. (Photography copyright 2005 by A. L. Fuhrmann)