
Statistics for CAMPing2012 Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Sep 2021 222 0 0  70 CarSharing
 42 ContactInfo
 33 Participants
 17 WebStatistics
  9 WebHome
  7 Venue
  5 Alumni
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  4 Program
Jul 2021 403 0 0 108 CarSharing
 90 Participants
 78 ContactInfo
 36 WebStatistics
 11 WebHome
  8 Activities
  7 WebRss
  7 WebLeftBar
  7 Venue
  6 WebBottomBar
  6 Program
Jun 2021 890 0 0 232 Participants
226 ContactInfo
221 CarSharing
 58 WebStatistics
 21 Alumni
 21 Program
 18 WebHome
 14 Activities
 12 WebChanges
 11 Venue
  9 WebRss
May 2021 982 0 0 358 CarSharing
282 ContactInfo
179 Participants
 42 WebStatistics
 14 WebHome
 14 Activities
 12 Alumni
 12 Program
 11 Venue
 10 WebRss
  7 WebLeftBar
Apr 2021 437 0 0 133 ContactInfo
116 CarSharing
 85 Participants
 12 WebStatistics
 10 WebHome
  9 Venue
  8 Program
  7 Activities
  7 Alumni
  6 WebRss
  6 WebNotify
Mar 2021 931 0 0 328 CarSharing
319 ContactInfo
198 Participants
 16 Venue
 14 WebHome
 12 Alumni
 12 Activities
 10 Program
  5 WebStatistics
  4 WebIndex
  3 WebRss
Jan 2021 286 0 0  85 CarSharing
 76 ContactInfo
 53 Participants
  8 WebHome
  8 WebStatistics
  7 WebNotify
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebTopBar
  4 WebRss
  4 Venue
Dec 2020 107 0 0  16 CarSharing
 12 Participants
 12 ContactInfo
  8 WebStatistics
  6 WebHome
  6 WebRss
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebPreferences
  4 Venue
Oct 2020 572 0 0 218 CarSharing
163 Participants
124 ContactInfo
 14 WebHome
 13 Alumni
 12 Activities
 11 Program
  9 Venue
  3 WebIndex
  2 WebNotify
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Sep 2020 910 0 0 260 CarSharing
224 ContactInfo
220 Participants
 29 WebStatistics
 24 Activities
 23 WebHome
 23 Program
 21 Alumni
 20 Venue
  8 WebRss
  7 WebNotify
Jul 2020 235 0 0  47 CarSharing
 38 Participants
 37 ContactInfo
 11 WebStatistics
 10 Alumni
  9 Activities
  9 Venue
  8 WebHome
  8 Program
  7 WebRss
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
Jun 2020 1260 0 0 262 CarSharing
221 ContactInfo
213 Participants
182 WebStatistics
 38 WebHome
 35 Activities
 35 Alumni
 32 Venue
 27 Program
 25 WebRss
 21 WebSearch
Apr 2020 196 0 0  50 CarSharing
 41 ContactInfo
 32 Participants
 12 WebHome
  9 Activities
  9 WebStatistics
  6 Alumni
  6 Venue
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebNotify
Mar 2020 505 0 0 175 CarSharing
114 ContactInfo
102 Participants
 21 Activities
 20 WebHome
 17 Alumni
 11 Venue
 10 Program
  8 WebRss
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebIndex
Jan 2020 413 0 0 124 CarSharing
 87 ContactInfo
 77 Participants
 20 Activities
 14 WebHome
 13 Alumni
 13 Venue
 11 WebStatistics
 10 Program
  9 WebRss
  5 WebNotify
Dec 2019 320 0 0  73 CarSharing
 48 WebStatistics
 46 Participants
 44 ContactInfo
 10 WebHome
 10 Activities
 10 WebRss
  9 Venue
  8 Alumni
  8 Program
  6 WebNotify
Nov 2019 70 0 0  11 CarSharing
  8 WebStatistics
  4 WebHome
  4 Alumni
  4 Activities
  4 Venue
  4 ContactInfo
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
Oct 2019 260 0 0  58 CarSharing
 47 ContactInfo
 34 WebHome
 14 Participants
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebRss
  7 Alumni
  7 Activities
  7 Venue
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebNotify
Sep 2019 324 0 0  93 CarSharing
 75 Participants
 44 ContactInfo
 14 Activities
 12 WebHome
 12 Program
 12 WebStatistics
  9 Venue
  8 Alumni
  7 WebRss
  5 WebTopicList
Aug 2019 304 0 0  99 CarSharing
 33 Participants
 23 ContactInfo
 21 WebTopicList
 17 WebHome
 14 WebRss
 14 WebStatistics
 12 Activities
 12 Program
 10 Alumni
 10 Venue
Jul 2019 345 0 0  67 CarSharing
 60 WebStatistics
 31 ContactInfo
 30 Participants
 14 WebRss
 12 Venue
 11 WebHome
 11 WebChanges
 10 WebIndex
 10 WebNotify
 10 WebSearch
Jun 2019 861 0 0 249 CarSharing
131 Participants
128 ContactInfo
108 WebStatistics
 27 WebHome
 22 Alumni
 22 Venue
 20 Activities
 19 WebRss
 18 Program
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
May 2019 400 0 0 129 CarSharing
 85 ContactInfo
 70 Participants
 24 WebStatistics
 14 Activities
 11 WebHome
 11 Alumni
  9 WebRss
  9 Venue
  6 Program
  5 WebPreferences
Mar 2019 1348 0 0 271 CarSharing
192 ContactInfo
187 WebStatistics
161 Participants
 58 WebHome
 36 WebPreferences
 35 Alumni
 34 WebLeftBar
 33 WebChanges
 33 Program
 32 WebSearch
Nov 2018 54 0 0  13 CarSharing
 12 Participants
  7 ContactInfo
  5 Activities
  4 Alumni
  2 WebRss
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 WebHome
  1 WebIndex
  1 Program
Oct 2018 877 0 0 195 CarSharing
144 Participants
108 ContactInfo
 86 WebStatistics
 38 WebRss
 36 Activities
 33 WebHome
 32 Program
 31 Alumni
 24 Venue
 15 WebNotify
Aug 2018 419 0 0 104 ContactInfo
 83 Participants
 82 CarSharing
 63 WebStatistics
 10 Alumni
  9 Activities
  8 WebRss
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 WebHome
  6 WebTopBar
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2018 162 0 0  38 CarSharing
 18 WebHome
 17 Participants
 16 Activities
 13 Alumni
  8 WebRss
  8 WebStatistics
  7 Program
  6 Venue
  6 ContactInfo
  4 WebPreferences
Jun 2018 267 0 0  42 Participants
 39 CarSharing
 21 WebStatistics
 18 Alumni
 16 WebHome
 16 ContactInfo
 15 Activities
 13 WebRss
 11 Program
 10 Venue
  9 WebChanges
May 2018 249 0 0  36 WebStatistics
 33 Participants
 33 CarSharing
 20 ContactInfo
 17 Activities
 14 WebHome
 13 WebRss
 10 Alumni
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebSearch
  7 WebPreferences
Apr 2018 200 0 0  31 CarSharing
 26 WebStatistics
 17 WebRss
 17 ContactInfo
 15 Participants
 11 Activities
  8 WebHome
  8 WebNotify
  8 WebSearch
  7 WebPreferences
  7 WebChanges
Mar 2018 794 0 0 139 WebStatistics
110 CarSharing
 95 Participants
 78 ContactInfo
 44 WebRss
 31 WebHome
 30 Activities
 27 WebSearch
 27 WebPreferences
 27 WebChanges
 26 WebNotify
Feb 2018 130 0 0  31 CarSharing
 20 Participants
 18 WebRss
 12 Activities
 10 Alumni
  9 ContactInfo
  8 WebHome
  5 Venue
  4 WebStatistics
  3 Program
  2 WebIndex
Jan 2018 128 0 0  18 CarSharing
 17 WebRss
 14 Participants
  9 Activities
  8 WebStatistics
  7 WebHome
  7 Program
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebSearch
Dec 2017 1 0 0   1 WebHome  
Nov 2017 46 0 0  12 CarSharing
  9 Participants
  6 Activities
  4 Alumni
  3 WebTopicList
  3 Venue
  2 WebTopBar
  2 WebRss
  1 WebHome
  1 WebIndex
  1 Program
Oct 2017 256 0 0  61 CarSharing
 45 Participants
 24 ContactInfo
 17 Activities
 17 Alumni
 14 WebHome
 13 Venue
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebRss
  8 WebStatistics
  6 Program
Sep 2017 85 0 0  33 CarSharing
 14 Participants
 12 Activities
 10 Alumni
  3 Venue
  3 WebHome
  3 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 ContactInfo
  1 Program
Aug 2017 344 0 0  84 WebStatistics
 58 CarSharing
 57 Participants
 45 ContactInfo
 15 Activities
 12 Alumni
  9 Program
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebHome
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebChanges
Jun 2017 428 0 0 112 CarSharing
 85 Participants
 70 ContactInfo
 39 WebStatistics
 19 Alumni
 18 Activities
 16 WebHome
 11 Venue
 10 Program
  8 WebRss
  6 WebPreferences
May 2017 30 0 0  10 CarSharing
  5 Alumni
  5 Participants
  3 ContactInfo
  2 Venue
  2 WebRss
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Activities
  1 WebPreferences
Apr 2017 134 0 0  21 CarSharing
 13 Alumni
 12 Participants
 11 WebHome
 11 ContactInfo
 10 Venue
  8 WebStatistics
  7 Activities
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebRss
  5 Program
Mar 2017 155 0 0  37 Participants
 36 CarSharing
 15 WebRss
 12 Activities
  9 Alumni
  8 ContactInfo
  7 WebHome
  7 WebChanges
  4 WebLeftBar
  4 WebTopBar
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2017 374 0 0  83 CarSharing
 68 Participants
 56 ContactInfo
 41 WebStatistics
 22 Activities
 18 Alumni
 16 WebHome
 10 Program
  9 WebRss
  8 Venue
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
Jan 2017 116 0 0  33 CarSharing
 26 Participants
  9 Alumni
  9 Activities
  7 ContactInfo
  5 Venue
  4 WebHome
  4 Program
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebRss
  2 WebNotify
Dec 2016 1894 0 0 1507 ContactInfo
 93 CarSharing
 87 Participants
 31 WebHome
 30 Venue
 27 Alumni
 23 Activities
 16 Program
 11 WebIndex
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebRss
Nov 2016 413 0 0  87 Participants
 82 CarSharing
 51 ContactInfo
 41 WebStatistics
 20 WebHome
 20 Alumni
 17 Activities
 15 Venue
 12 WebRss
 10 WebIndex
 10 Program
Oct 2016 158 0 0  59 Participants
 32 CarSharing
 10 Alumni
  9 WebHome
  8 Activities
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 ContactInfo
  5 Venue
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebRss
Sep 2016 379 0 0  95 Participants
 76 CarSharing
 49 ContactInfo
 40 WebStatistics
 16 Activities
 13 Alumni
 11 Venue
 10 WebHome
  9 WebRss
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebNotify
Aug 2016 286 0 0  61 Participants
 49 CarSharing
 46 WebStatistics
 23 Activities
 23 ContactInfo
 21 Alumni
 19 WebHome
  8 Venue
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebChanges
  5 Program
Jul 2016 203 0 0  63 Participants
 37 CarSharing
 28 ContactInfo
 13 Alumni
 11 WebHome
  9 Activities
  7 WebRss
  7 Venue
  7 WebStatistics
  4 WebPreferences
  3 WebIndex
Jun 2016 454 0 0 103 CarSharing
 98 ContactInfo
 86 Participants
 29 WebHome
 23 Alumni
 19 Activities
 16 WebStatistics
 12 Program
 10 WebRss
 10 Venue
  9 WebLeftBar
May 2016 625 0 0 353 Participants
 70 CarSharing
 52 ContactInfo
 46 WebStatistics
 18 WebHome
  8 Venue
  7 Alumni
  7 Activities
  6 WebTopicList
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebRss
Apr 2016 550 0 0 439 Participants
 37 CarSharing
 13 ContactInfo
 11 WebStatistics
 10 WebHome
  5 Activities
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebRss
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebSearch
Mar 2016 519 0 0 366 Participants
 41 ContactInfo
 27 CarSharing
 15 WebRss
 14 Activities
 11 WebHome
  8 Alumni
  5 Venue
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebLeftBar
Feb 2016 295 0 0  69 CarSharing
 46 Participants
 41 ContactInfo
 35 WebStatistics
 18 WebHome
 10 Activities
  9 WebIndex
  8 WebRss
  7 Venue
  7 Program
  7 WebTopBar
Jan 2016 246 0 0  65 CarSharing
 53 ContactInfo
 43 Participants
 22 WebHome
 10 WebStatistics
  9 Activities
  7 Venue
  7 Program
  6 Alumni
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebSearch
Dec 2015 617 0 0 170 CarSharing
143 Participants
134 ContactInfo
 36 WebStatistics
 17 Alumni
 16 WebHome
 15 Activities
 13 Venue
 10 Program
  8 WebRss
  7 WebLeftBar
Nov 2015 5 0 0   1 Venue
  1 WebHome
  1 CarSharing
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 ContactInfo
Oct 2015 657 0 0 113 Participants
106 CarSharing
 94 WebStatistics
 90 ContactInfo
 61 WebHome
 23 Alumni
 18 Activities
 15 WebRss
 15 Venue
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 Program
Aug 2015 226 0 0  69 WebHome
 42 CarSharing
 30 ContactInfo
 28 Participants
 17 WebStatistics
  6 Activities
  6 Venue
  6 Program
  5 Alumni
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebNotify
Jun 2015 350 0 0  95 CarSharing
 92 Participants
 74 ContactInfo
 26 WebStatistics
 12 Alumni
 11 Activities
 10 WebHome
  7 Venue
  7 Program
  4 WebRss
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
May 2015 31 0 0   6 ContactInfo
  5 Participants
  4 CarSharing
  3 WebHome
  3 Activities
  2 Alumni
  2 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Venue
  1 Program
  1 WebNotify
Apr 2015 259 0 0  54 WebHome
 45 CarSharing
 41 ContactInfo
 37 WebStatistics
 33 Participants
 11 Activities
  8 Alumni
  7 WebRss
  6 Program
  5 Venue
  3 WebIndex
Mar 2015 91 0 0  10 WebStatistics
  8 ContactInfo
  8 CarSharing
  7 Participants
  5 WebHome
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebIndex
  4 Alumni
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebLeftBar
Feb 2015 552 0 0  75 CarSharing
 65 ContactInfo
 51 Participants
 34 WebHome
 25 Alumni
 24 Venue
 24 Program
 23 Activities
 21 WebIndex
 21 WebBottomBar
 20 WebTopicList
Oct 2014 341 0 0  58 CarSharing
 38 ContactInfo
 29 Participants
 22 WebHome
 19 Alumni
 18 WebRss
 17 WebStatistics
 14 WebIndex
 14 Activities
 13 WebNotify
 13 WebChanges
Mar 2014 143 0 0  33 CarSharing
 30 ContactInfo
 25 Participants
 14 WebHome
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebStatistics
  5 Program
  4 Venue
  3 Activities
  3 Alumni
  3 WebRss
Jan 2014 97 0 0  22 ContactInfo
 21 Participants
 19 CarSharing
 13 WebHome
  5 Venue
  5 Activities
  5 Alumni
  3 Program
  3 WebRss
  1 WebIndex
Dec 2013 234 0 0  61 Participants
 60 CarSharing
 54 ContactInfo
 19 WebHome
  9 Alumni
  8 Activities
  8 Program
  5 Venue
  4 WebRss
  2 WebIndex
  1 WebSearch
Nov 2013 406 0 0 120 CarSharing
 78 Participants
 70 ContactInfo
 26 WebHome
 16 Program
 15 WebIndex
 12 Activities
 12 Venue
 10 WebRss
  7 Alumni
  5 WebNotify
Oct 2013 298 0 0  92 Participants
 70 CarSharing
 68 ContactInfo
 17 WebHome
 11 WebIndex
 11 Program
  8 Activities
  8 Alumni
  7 Venue
  3 WebRss
  1 WebPreferences
Aug 2013 211 0 0  64 CarSharing
 60 Participants
 58 ContactInfo
  6 WebHome
  5 Activities
  4 WebRss
  3 WebIndex
  3 Alumni
  3 Program
  1 WebTopicList
  1 Venue
Jun 2013 462 0 0 130 CarSharing
122 ContactInfo
 92 Participants
 21 WebHome
 16 Alumni
 15 Activities
 14 Venue
 14 Program
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebRss
  7 WebStatistics
Apr 2013 197 0 0  39 CarSharing
 27 Participants
 25 WebStatistics
 21 ContactInfo
 19 WebHome
 10 Activities
  9 Program
  6 Alumni
  6 Venue
  5 WebRss
  4 WebIndex
Mar 2013 129 0 0  34 CarSharing
 22 Participants
 21 ContactInfo
 16 WebHome
 10 Activities
  8 Program
  7 WebRss
  4 Venue
  3 Alumni
  2 WebTopicList
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jan 2013 57 0 0  18 Participants
 13 CarSharing
  4 WebHome
  4 Activities
  3 WebRss
  3 WebStatistics
  2 ContactInfo
  2 Program
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebIndex
Oct 2012 96 0 0  50 Participants
  8 WebHome
  8 ContactInfo
  7 Activities
  5 Alumni
  4 Venue
  4 Program
  3 WebRss
  3 WebStatistics
  3 CarSharing
  1 WebChanges
Aug 2012 202 0 0  70 CarSharing
 45 ContactInfo
 43 Participants
 11 WebHome
 10 WebStatistics
  6 Program
  4 Alumni
  4 Activities
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2012 207 0 0 100 Participants
 26 CarSharing
 22 ContactInfo
 18 WebHome
 10 WebStatistics
  8 Program
  5 WebRss
  4 Activities
  3 Alumni
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebPreferences
May 2012 1528 100 3 397 Participants
246 Program
236 WebRss
184 Activities
152 CarSharing
127 WebHome
 58 Venue
 53 Alumni
 26 ContactInfo
 21 WebStatistics
  7 WebLeftBar
 24 MartinHorn
 17 RalfStauder
  8 TobiasReichl
  8 PeterMaday
  7 AsadSafi
  6 MehmetYigitsoy
  5 AhmadAhmadi
  4 AlexanderHartl
  4 SilvanKraft
  3 PhilippMatthies
  3 TobiasBlum
Apr 2012 1275 47 0 664 Participants
159 Program
 90 WebHome
 68 Activities
 66 Alumni
 62 WebRss
 57 Venue
 51 WebStatistics
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebTopicList
  6 WebIndex
 14 SilvanKraft
 11 PeterMaday
  7 RalfStauder
  3 VasileiosBelagiannis
  2 AminKatouzian
  2 JoseGardiazabal
  2 AbouzarEslami
  1 TobiasReichl
  1 MehmetYigitsoy
  1 CoskunOezguer
  1 LoicPeter
Mar 2012 336 7 0 175 Participants
 31 Program
 28 Activities
 26 WebHome
 19 Venue
 17 Alumni
 15 WebRss
 14 WebStatistics
  2 WebChanges
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 TobiasReichl
  1 PascalFallavollita
  1 JoseGardiazabal
  1 MehmetYigitsoy
  1 RichardBrosig
  1 TassiloKlein
  1 AsliOkur
Feb 2012 332 24 2 126 Participants
 27 WebHome
 24 Program
 23 Activities
 22 Venue
 19 Alumni
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebTopBar
  9 WebRss
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 MartinHorn
  2 PhilippMatthies
  2 TobiasLasser
  1 AhmadAhmadi
  1 ChristophHennersperger
  1 LoicPeter
Jan 2012 1659 0 0 845 WebHome
369 Submission?
100 Committees?
 97 Venue
 82 Registration?
 60 Sponsors?
 51 PreviousConfs?
 23 WebRss
 18 WebStatistics
  5 WebChanges
  3 WebIndex
Dec 2011 28 0 0  11 WebHome
  5 Committees?
  4 Submission?
  2 Venue
  2 PreviousConfs?
  2 Sponsors?
  2 Registration?
Nov 2011 939 7 0 444 WebHome
189 Submission?
 58 Committees?
 47 PreviousConfs?
 41 Venue
 35 WebRss
 35 Registration?
 29 Sponsors?
 24 WebStatistics
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebIndex
  7 StefanieDemirci
Oct 2011 1189 9 2 520 WebHome
123 Submission?
104 Committees?
101 Venue
 87 Registration?
 81 PreviousConfs?
 67 Sponsors?
 30 WebStatistics
 16 WebRss
  8 WebTopBar
  7 WebTopicList
 11 StefanieDemirci
Sep 2011 1403 8 0 573 WebHome
124 Submission?
 99 Committees?
 93 Venue
 83 Registration?
 71 WebStatistics
 69 Sponsors?
 51 PreviousConfs?
 37 WebRss
 28 WebLeftBar
 26 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 StefanieDemirci
Aug 2011 1157 0 0 441 WebHome
132 WebStatistics
 74 Committees?
 67 Submission?
 62 Venue
 48 Registration?
 44 Sponsors?
 37 WebIndex
 34 WebRss
 32 WebSearch
 31 WebTopBar
Jul 2011 1324 0 0 506 WebHome
 95 Committees?
 92 WebStatistics
 68 Venue
 66 Submission?
 56 WebRss
 56 Registration?
 55 Sponsors?
 43 WebIndex
 42 WebSearch
 38 WebLeftBar
Jun 2011 1588 0 0 712 WebHome
116 Committees?
104 Venue
 77 Registration?
 74 Submission?
 73 WebStatistics
 64 Sponsors?
 54 WebRss
 39 WebSearch
 38 WebLeftBar
 34 WebSearchAdvanced
May 2011 1031 2 0 580 WebHome
 66 Venue
 54 Committees?
 47 Registration?
 43 Submission?
 42 Sponsors?
 41 WebStatistics
 39 WebRss
 22 WebLeftBar
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 StefanieDemirci
Apr 2011 1317 5 0 499 WebHome
101 Venue
 88 WebStatistics
 83 WebRss
 76 Registration?
 72 Committees?
 67 Submission?
 67 Sponsors?
 37 WebIndex
 30 WebLeftBar
 29 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 StefanieDemirci
Mar 2011 1517 11 1 752 WebHome
106 Committees?
106 Submission?
103 Venue
 98 Registration?
 84 Sponsors?
 50 WebRss
 26 WebChanges
 26 WebLeftBar
 25 WebStatistics
 24 WebSearch
 10 StefanieDemirci
  2 MartinHorn
Feb 2011 1106 1 0 611 WebHome
 83 Venue
 78 Submission?
 76 Committees?
 63 Registration?
 41 WebRss
 41 Sponsors?
 16 WebStatistics
 12 WebIndex
 11 WebSearch
 11 WebBottomBar
  1 StefanieDemirci
Jan 2011 1175 1 0 554 WebHome
187 WebRss
 77 Submission?
 71 Committees?
 68 Venue
 41 Registration?
 32 Sponsors?
 17 WebTopicList
 16 WebIndex
 16 WebBottomBar
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 StefanieDemirci
Dec 2010 2752 10 0 1413 WebHome
466 WebRss
287 Submission?
182 Committees?
123 Venue
 74 Registration?
 62 Sponsors?
 17 WebIndex
 16 WebTopicList
 16 WebSearch
 16 WebBottomBar
  9 StefanieDemirci
  1 MartinHorn
Nov 2010 1304 36 5 576 WebHome
175 Committees?
128 Submission?
105 Venue
 90 Registration?
 69 Sponsors?
 54 WebRss
 39 WebStatistics
 13 WebTopBar
 10 WebPreferences
  7 WebTopicList
 21 StefanieDemirci
 20 MartinHorn
Oct 2010 2049 2 0 893 WebHome
164 Submission?
155 Committees?
140 Registration?
139 Venue
126 Sponsors?
 98 WebTopBar
 88 WebRss
 78 WebStatistics
 23 WebLeftBar
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 StefanieDemirci
Sep 2010 1067 0 0 554 WebHome
 70 Submission?
 67 Registration?
 65 Sponsors?
 64 Venue
 62 Committees?
 51 WebRss
 23 WebTopBar
 13 WebSearch
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
Aug 2010 1291 0 0 662 WebHome
 95 Committees?
 91 Venue
 90 Submission?
 88 Registration?
 76 Sponsors?
 65 WebRss
 25 WebTopBar
 12 WebIndex
 12 WebSearch
 12 WebChanges
Jul 2010 1368 0 0 612 WebHome
110 Submission?
108 Registration?
105 Venue
100 Committees?
 96 Sponsors?
 72 WebRss
 45 WebStatistics
 39 WebTopBar
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebTopicList
Jun 2010 1832 5 0 823 WebHome
226 WebRss
175 Registration?
155 Venue
131 Committees?
127 Submission?
 96 Sponsors?
 17 WebTopBar
 13 WebIndex
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebNotify
  5 MartinGroher
May 2010 2349 11 0 993 WebRss
747 WebHome
115 Registration?
102 Submission?
102 Venue
 95 Committees?
 77 Sponsors?
 19 WebTopBar
 14 WebStatistics
 12 WebIndex
 10 PatternSkin?
 11 MartinGroher
Apr 2010 2134 13 3 975 WebHome
337 WebRss
142 Submission?
138 Registration?
124 Committees?
123 Venue
109 Sponsors?
 34 WebTopBar
 17 WebIndex
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebStatistics
 16 MartinGroher
Mar 2010 2036 8 2 1185 WebHome
170 Registration?
163 Submission?
122 Venue
120 Committees?
120 WebRss
 61 Sponsors?
 11 WebIndex
 11 WebBottomBar
  9 PatternSkin?
  8 WebTopicList
  9 MartinHorn
  1 MarcoFeuerstein
Feb 2010 2976 8 0 1561 WebRss
898 WebHome
139 Submission?
114 Committees?
 88 Registration?
 77 Venue
 49 Sponsors?
  6 WebBottomBar
  5 WebTopicList
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebPreferences
  8 MartinGroher
Jan 2010 3739 0 0 1547 WebRss
1144 WebHome
243 Submission?
174 Committees?
145 Venue
136 Registration?
120 Sponsors?
 42 WebStatistics
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebNotify
 19 WebBottomBar
Dec 2009 4790 10 0 1606 WebHome
1384 WebRss
744 Submission?
320 Committees?
231 Venue
204 Registration?
172 Sponsors?
 16 WebIndex
 13 WebTopicList
 13 PatternSkin?
 12 WebLeftBar
  6 MartinGroher
  4 MarcoFeuerstein
Nov 2009 3656 61 3 1676 WebHome
873 WebRss
330 Submission?
223 Committees?
194 Venue
145 Registration?
 93 Sponsors?
 35 WebLeftBar
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebStatistics
  9 WebIndex
 60 MarcoFeuerstein
  4 MartinGroher
Oct 2009 635 37 6 416 WebRss
164 WebHome
 17 WebTopBar
  8 PatternSkin?
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebPreferences
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebBottomBar
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebNotify
 43 MartinHorn
Sep 2009 139 3 0  54 WebHome
 28 WebStatistics
 23 WebRss
  6 WebIndex
  5 WebLeftBar
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebTopBar
  4 WebSearch
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 MartinHorn
Jun 2007 0 0 0    
Oct 2006 0 0 0    
Feb 2006 0 0 0    


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