
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality

Hirokazu Kato (Osaka University), Mark Billinghurst (HIT Lab NZ)

Potential of the ARToolKit for Use in Industrial AR Applications


ARToolKit is a software package for developing AR applications based on registration technology using back square markers. ARToolKit has been used by many users since the first version was developed in 1999. Regarding the technical capability, ARToolKit is suitable for applications that are used on a desk or a table. Since ARToolKit can track multiple objects with square markers, it has been used not only for displaying information but also for interactive systems in AR environment. Regarding the software package, however, ARToolKit has several problems with documentation, usability of utilities like camera calibration, compatibility with other software etc. In this presentation, I examine the potential of the ARToolkit from the viewpoint of the development of industrial applications.

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