Hauptseminar/Master Seminar: Computer Vision for Augmented Reality
Prof. Nassir Navab,
Dr. Ulrich Eck,
Felix Bork,
Johanna Wald,
Matthias Grimm,
Alejandro Martin,
Alexander Winkler,
Yida Wang,
Mai Bui,
Tolga Birdal,
Nikolas Brasch,
Helisa Dhamo,
Mahdi Saleh
Type: Master Seminar
Module IN4970
SWS: 2+0
ECTS: 5 Credits
Room: 03.13.010.
Course Language: English
- 21-01-2019: The introductory meeting will take place on 01.02.2019, 2-4pm, in room 03.13.010.
- 12-04-2019: Seminar schedule has been fixed.
This seminar introduces common tools and principles in computer vision for applications in the field of augmented reality. The Seminar will propose a list of recent scientific articles related to the main current research topics in computer vision for augmented reality together with some interesting papers from other communities.
In this Master Seminar (formerly Hauptseminar), each student is asked to select one paper from a list. In order to successfully complete the seminar, participants have to fulfill these requirements:
- Presentation: The selected paper is presented to the other participants (20 minutes presentation 10 minutes questions). Use the CAMP templates for PowerPoint camp-tum-jhu-slides.potx, or Latex: CAMP-latex-template.zip.
- Written Report: A document of 8 pages is written and submitted two weeks after the presentation. Please download and use the llncs2e.zip Latex template.
- Attendance: Participants have to participate actively in *all* seminar sessions.
The students are required to attend each seminar presentation which will be held during this course. Each presentation is followed by a discussion and everyone is encouraged to actively participate. The report must include all references used and must be written
completely in your own words. Copy and paste will not be tolerated. Both report and presentation have to be done in
For questions about the organization or content of the course, please contact
Matthias Grimm or
Alexander Winkler via e-mail.
Date | Time | Topic  | Slides | Students |
07.06.2019 | 15:00 - 17:00 | How to give a Presentation | slides | |
26.04.2019 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Introduction Session | slides references papers | |
21.06.2019 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Presentation Session 1 | | Lemberger, Budjakoski, Sommersperger |
28.06.2019 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Presentation Session 2 | | Kakaei, Hoeschl, Obrull |
05.07.2019 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Presentation Session 3 | | Sun, Suchacek, Odnoshyvkin, Kehnel |
12.07.2019 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Presentation Session 4 | | no presentations |
List of Topics and Material
The list of papers:
Literature and Helpful Links
A lot of scientific publications can be found online.
The following list may help you to find some further information on your particular topic:
Some publishers:
Libraries (online and offline):
Some further hints for working with references:
- JabRef is a Java program for comfortable working with Bibtex literature databases. Handy feature: if you know the PubMed ID for an article, JabRef can import data from there (via "Web Search/Medline").
- Mendeley is a cross-platform program for organising your references.
If you find useful resources that are not already listed here, please tell us, so we can add them for others. Thanks.