Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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CAMPVis: A Game Engine-inspired Research Framework for Medical Imaging and Visualization


CAMPVis a software platform for medical image computing and visualization.

Intra-operative visualization has become more and more an essential part of medical interventions and provides the surgeon with powerful support for his work. However, a potential deployment in the operation room yields various challenges for the developers. Therefore, companies usually offer highly specialized solutions with limited maintainability and extensibility As novel approach, the CAMPVis software framework implements a modern video game engine architecture to provide an infrastructure that can be used for both research purposes and end-user solutions. It is focused on real-time processing and fusion of multi-modal medical data and its visualization. The fusion of multiple modalities (such as CT, MRI, ultrasound, etc.) is the essential step to effectively improve and support the clinician's workflow. Furthermore, CAMPVis provides a library of various algorithms for preprocessing and visualization that can be used and combined in a straight-forward way. This boosts cooperation and synergy effects between different developers and the reusability of developed solutions.

Please have a look at our Technical Report for further information.

Contact: Christian Schulte zu Berge


  • C++ Compiler with Partial C++ 11 Support
  • OpenGL 3.3+ Capable Video Hardware (and Drivers!)
  • Intel TBB
  • Qt 4.8 for Application Package
  • CMake Build System

Tested Environments

  • Windows: MSVC 2010+, Linux: gcc 4.8+
  • nVidia GPUs
  • AMD GPUs
  • Intel HD4000+ GPUs (Basically Ivy Bridge and Later)

Licensing and Download

CAMPVis is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can find the source code, Wiki articles and issue tracking at our public Gitlab instance: For more information, please contact Christian Schulte zu Berge.


The development of CAMPVis was funded by the the SoftwareCampus program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Förderkennzeichen 01IS12057) .


C. Schulte-zu-Berge, D. Declara, C. Hennersperger, M. Baust, N. Navab
Real-time Uncertainty Visualization for B-Mode Ultrasound
Proceedings Scientific Visualization 2015, Chicago IL, U.S.A, October 2015 (bib)
C. Schulte-zu-Berge, J. Weiss, N. Navab
Schematic Electrode Map for Navigation in Neuro Data Sets
5th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine 2015, Chester, U.K., September 2015 (bib)
O. Zettinig, A. Shah, C. Hennersperger, M. Eiber, C. Kroll, H. Kübler, T. Maurer, F. Milletari, J. Rackerseder, C. Schulte-zu-Berge, E. Storz, B. Frisch, N. Navab
Multimodal Image-Guided Prostate Fusion Biopsy based on Automatic Deformable Registration
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery / 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), Barcelona, June 2015.
The original publication is available online at
A. Shah, O. Zettinig, E. Storz, T. Maurer, M. Eiber, N. Navab, B. Frisch
Challenges in Multimodal Image-guided Targeted Prostate Biopsy
Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, UK, June 2015 (bib)
C. Schulte-zu-Berge, M. Baust, A. Kapoor, N. Navab
Predicate-based Focus-and-Context Visualization for 3D Ultrasound
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Scientific Visualization 2014), Paris, France, November 2014 (bib)
A. Shah, O. Zettinig, T. Maurer, C. Precup, C. Schulte-zu-Berge, J. Weiss, B. Frisch, N. Navab
An Open Source Multimodal Image-guided Prostate Biopsy Framework
3rd Workshop on Clinical Image-based Procedures: Translational Research in Medical Imaging (CLIP), 17th MICCAI, MIT, Boston, USA, September 2014.
The original publication is available online at
C. Schulte-zu-Berge, Artur Grunau, Hossain Mahmud, N. Navab
CAMPVis - A Game Engine-inspired Research Framework for Medical Imaging and Visualization
Technical Report 2014, Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany (bib)

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