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Nicolas Brieu



What's new

  • Since January 2012, working as application engineer at Definiens AG
  • 11th December, 2012: Defense of my Thesis on "Image-based Thrombus Characterization in DIC Microscopy - Segmentation under low-contrast and high-dynamic conditions".

Short Bio

Dec. 2009- Dec. 2011 Phd at CAMP, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), Munich, Germany
Image-based Thrombus Characterization in DIC Microscopy
Segmentation under low-contrast and high-dynamic conditions
Netim/Bloodomics European research consortium
Collaboration with the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Jan.2006- June 2008 M. Sc., Molecular and Optical Imaging Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal , Montreal, Canada
Determination of neuronal activation of the spinal cord by intrinsic imaging
Major in medical imaging
Sept. 2004- June 2007 M. Eng. / Dipl. Eng., Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France.
Major in computer science, signal and image processing.

Active research projects


L. Peter, N. Brieu, S. Jansen, P. Smethurst, W. Ouwehand , N. Navab
Automatic Segmentation and Tracking of Thrombus Formation within In Vitro Microscopic Video Sequences
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI 2012), Barcelona, Spain, May 2 - 5, 2012 (bib)
N. Brieu, N. Navab, J. Serbanovic-Canic, W. Ouwehand , D. Stemple, A. Cvejic, M. Groher
Image-based Characterization of Thrombus Formation in Time-lapse DIC Microscopy
Medical Image Analysis 2012 (bib)
N. Brieu, M. Groher, J. Serbanovic-Canic, A. Cvejic, W. Ouwehand , N. Navab
Joint Thrombus and Vessel Segmentation Using Dynamic Texture Likelihoods and Shape Prior
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2011), Toronto, Canada, September 2011 (bib)
N. Brieu, J. Serbanovic-Canic, A. Cvejic, D. Stemple, W. Ouwehand , N. Navab, M. Groher
Thrombus Segmentation by Texture Dynamics from Microscopic Image Sequences
SPIE Medical Imaging, 13-18 February 2010, San Diego, California, USA (bib)
N. Brieu, B. Glocker, N. Navab, M. Groher
MAP-MRF Optimal Partitioning for Dynamic Texture Segmentation of Thrombus in Time-Series Microscopic Images
MICCAI 2010 Workshop on Spatio Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data (STIA'10), 24 September 2010, Beijing, China (bib)
N. Brieu, E. Beaumont, S. Dubeau, J. Cohen Adad, F. Lesage
Characterization of the hemodynamic response in the rat lumbar spinal cord using intrinsic optical imaging and laser speckle
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 191(2):151-7, 30 August 2010 (bib)
N. Brieu, J. Serbanovic-Canic, A. Cvejic, D. Stemple, W. Ouwehand , N. Navab, M. Groher
A dynamic texture approach to semi-automatic thrombosis segmentation in in-vivo microscopic video-sequences
Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis and Application in Biology, (MIAAB 2009), Bethesda, MD (US), 3-4 September 2009 (bib)
F. Lesage, N. Brieu, S. Dubeau, E. Beaumont
Optical imaging of vascular and metabolic responses in the lumbar spinal cord after T10 transection in rats
Neuroscience Letters, 454(1):105-109, 2009 (bib)

Title: Master
Circumference of your head (in cm):  
Firstname: Nicolas
Lastname: Brieu
Picture: Photo3.png
Birthday: 15.01.85
Nationality: France
Languages: English, German, French
Groups: Registration/Visualization, Segmentation, Medical Imaging, Computer Vision, Microscopic Image Analysis
Expertise: Segmentation, Medical Imaging, Computer Vision
Position: Scientific Staff
Status: Alumni
Emailbefore: brieu
Alumniactivity: Application engineer at Definiens AG
Defensedate: 11 December 2012
Thesistitle: Image-based Characterization of Thrombus Formation in Time-lapse DIC Microscopy

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