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Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Searched: Gudrun *Klinker[^A-Za-z]
Results from ARC web
Guidelines for the exchange from Iran to Munich #PageTop Welcome to the guidelines section for Iranian students who are interested in a research exchange from Iran ...
The Avicenna Roentgen Collaboration Avicenna: Ab #363; ‘Al #299; S #299;n #257; ( #1575; #1576; #1608; #1593; #1604; #1609; #1587; #1610; #1606; #1575;) or latinized ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from ARForum web
Augmented Reality Reality (AR) is a newly emerging technology  by which a user's view of the real world is augmented with additional information from a computer model ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Chair web
Terminkalender für Augmented Reality-bezogene Aktivitäten Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Terminkalender (vorwärts): Vergangene Termine Datum Interne Termine (Demos ...
Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Reality (AR) is a newly emerging technology  by which a user's view of the real world is augmented with additional information ...
Einf hrung in die Erweiterte Realit t (Introduction to Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Bereich: Diplom-Studiengang (Hauptstudium), Bachelor/Master ...
Hauptseminar Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Bereich: Informatik Hauptstudium (WP INF ab 5) Time and Date: The seminar will be held in two block sessions ...
document.title "Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin und Augmented Reality"; self ...
Contact Impressum Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin Augmented Reality Professors Prof ...
Bachelor Theses Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) 2009 Daniel Muhra 2003 Christian Trübswetter: Analyzing and Monitoring Tracking Accuracy of an A.R.T. System. ...
CAMP AR History The Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures (Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin) was created on 15th of October 2003 under the direction of ...
Individuals' Books Remark: This is a list of books which you have to find yourself by asking the contact person. For more books, see the official Chair Library. EDITTABLE ...
This pages serves as a common planning platform for the three meetings and seminars taking place at the chair on fridays. Chair Meeting Administrative topics are discussed ...
Partners of CAMP+AR The Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented Reality has numerous collaborations with hospitals, various research centers on medical ...
Hauptseminar Context-based Presentation of Information for Mobile Users Prof. Dr. Uwe Baumgarten Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Prof. Dr. Donald Kossmann Bereich: Informatik ...
Demo Day Summer 2011 Veranstaltumg am 26. Juli 2011 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Eva Artinger and Christian Waechter) The Demo Day will take ...
Demo Day Summer 2012 Veranstaltumg am 17. Juli 2012 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Christian Waechter) General Information The Demo Day of the ...
Demo Day Summer 2013 Veranstaltumg am 16. Juli 2013 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Christian Waechter) General Information The Demo Day of the ...
Demo Day Summer 2014 Veranstaltumg am 08. Juli 2014 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Christian Waechter) General Information The Demo Day of the ...
Demo Day Summer 2015 Veranstaltung am 14. Juli 2015 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Andreas Dippon and David Plecher) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Summer 2016 Veranstaltung am 12. Juli 2016 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Andreas Dippon and David Plecher) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Summer 2017 Veranstaltung am 25. Juli 2017 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Andreas Dippon and David Plecher) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Summer 2018 Veranstaltung am 10. Juli 2018 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with David Plecher and Sven Liedtke) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Summer 2019 Veranstaltung am 23. Juli 2019 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with David Plecher and Sven Liedtke) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Winter 2011/2012 Veranstaltumg am 07. Februar 2012 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Christian Waechter) General Information The Demo Day ...
Demo Day Winter 2012 / 2013 Veranstaltumg am 05. Feb 2013 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Christian Waechter) mit freundlicher Unterstützung von ...
Demo Day Winter 2014 Veranstaltumg am 04. Feb 2014 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Christian Waechter) General Information The Demo Day of the ...
Demo Day Winter 2015 Veranstaltung am 27. Jan 2015 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Andreas Dippon and David Plecher) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Winter 2016 Veranstaltung am 2. Feb 2016 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Andreas Dippon and David Plecher) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Winter 2017 Veranstaltung am 3. Feb 2017 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Andreas Dippon and David Plecher) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Winter 2018 Veranstaltung am 6. Feb 2018 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with David Plecher and Sven Liedtke) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Winter 2019 Veranstaltung am 5. Feb 2019 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with David Plecher and Sven Liedtke) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
Demo Day Winter 2020 Veranstaltung am 4. Feb 2020 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with David Plecher and Sven Liedtke) General Information The Demo Day of the Fakult ...
DWARF Distributed Wearable Augmented Reality Framework Technische Universität München, Chair for Applied Software Engineering Prof. Bernd Bruegge Ph.D., Prof. Gudrun ...
Collaborators and Alumni Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) Associated Chairs (TU Munich, Computer Science) TU München, Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen ...
Bachelor Theses Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) 2009 Daniel Muhra 2003 Christian Trübswetter: Analyzing and Monitoring Tracking Accuracy of an A.R.T. System. ...
Master Theses and Diplomarbeiten Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) 2009 2008 Tayfur Coskun: Visualization of Activity Parameters with an Avatar Suitable for Elderly ...
RED Site has moved! Please visit this page ENDCOLOR RED go to https://wiki.tum.de/x/rIBZJ ENDCOLOR Oberseminar: Fachgebiet Augmented Reality Director: Prof. Gudrun ...
SEPs at the HITLab, New Zealand Together with the HITLab New Zealand (Human Interface Technologies Lab, at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand ...
Invited Talk: Augmented Reality on the Factory Floor The DARPA Grand Challenge Dr. Reinhold Behringer Rockwell Scientific (RSC), Thousand Oaks, CA hosted by Prof ...
Classifying the AR Presentation Space TOC Workshop at ISMAR 2012 Workshop Date: Monday, November 5, 2012 Recent Updates Tentative Program now online RED Research ...
ISMAR Workshop (full day): Industrial Augmented Reality Augmented Reality has matured from a pure research field into actual industrial applications. There are still ...
2nd Joint Advanced Student School (JASS 2004) Course 3 Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality Prof. Dr. V.N. Vasiliev , Prof. Dr. Shalyto , Technical University ...
2nd Joint Advanced Student School (JASS 2004) Course 3 Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality Prof. Dr. V.N. Vasiliev , Prof. Dr. Shalyto , Technical University ...
3nd Joint Advanced Student School (JASS 2005) Course 3 Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality Prof. Boris Kudryashov , State Univ. of Aerospace Instrumentation ...
JASS Joint Advanced Student School Course 3: Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks Gudrun Klinker (Marcus Tönnis) ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker: Publications Publications on Augmented Reality (TU Munich, Fraunhofer-IGD and ZGDV, ECRC) (bib) INCLUDE{" CGIURL /pub/search.pl?klinker:all ...
Work at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Research Projects A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding (Ph.D. thesis) This thesis has developed an approach to ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (cv currently not available)
CICC Collaborative Integrated Communication in Construction EU ACTS project AC017 Some AR-related Results AR-support for building construction life cycle (design ...
Prüfungsunterlagen für DHP Prüfungen in der praktischen Informatik Gudrun Klinker Architektur und Implementierung von Datenbank-Systemen (Bayer) Vorlesungsfolien ...
Work at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics and the ZGDV (Darmstadt) under construction
A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding G.J. Klinker Ph.D. thesis, Computer Science Department, Carnegie-Mellon University, May, 1988. Book published by ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Projects prior to joining Technische Universität München AR-related Projects at Fraunhofer IGD and at ECRC (1995-1999) ARVIKA (1998 2003 ...
Aktuelle Prüfungstermine (Frühjahr 2005) AR-Vorlesung (15 min) All exams will be held in my office (room 03.013.053). Datum Zeit Student(in) Friday, Feb. 18 9:00 ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker: Publications ...under construction; thus far, same as "all"... Publications on Augmented Reality (TU Munich, Fraunhofer-IGD and ZGDV, ECRC) ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker: Publications Sorted Publications on Augmented Reality (TU Munich, Fraunhofer-IGD and ZGDV, ECRC) (bib) Talks INCLUDE{"http://campar.in.tum.de ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D.: Lehre Fortlaufend Diplom-, Master und Bachelorarbeiten und SEPs, sowie geplante Konferenzvorträge werden im FAR Oberseminar präsentiert ...
Biomedical Data Exploration Meets Telecollaboration G.J. Klinker, I. Carlbom, W. Hsu, and D. Terzopoulos CVRMed '95, Nice, France, April 3-6, 1995. Abstract: In many ...
Work at the Universität Hamburg (1978-1982) under construction Research Projects Die Charakterisierung von Zuständen und Zustandsänderungen in Straßenszenen sowie ...
An Environment for Telecollaborative Data Exploration G.J. Klinker IEEE Visualization 93, San Jose, CA, Oct. 1993. Abstract: This paper presents an environment for ...
Tobias Sielhorst, Tobias Blum and Nassir Navab get NDI 2nd Best Paper Award at ISMAR 2005 Movie (AVI) of EVI live demo at ISMAR'05 1st Russian-Bavarian Conference ...
Ph.D. Seminar Medical Augmented Reality (CAMP/AR) This is a joint Ph.D. seminar with the Augmented Reality research group (Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D.) and the Chair ...
New Year Party 2006 Seidlvilla Schwabing TOC When Friday, 13th of January 2006. 8:00pm Venue The CAMP New Year Party 2006 will be at Seidlvilla (Schwabing). The address ...
The News at the Chair for Computer Aided Procedures Augmented Reality June 09, 2006 Computer Vision Workshop following talks will be presented: Dipl. Inf. Andreas ...
OfficesGarchingTemp Hauke Heibel BR Martin Groher BR Marco Feuerstein BR 49 (89) 289-19427 03.13.061 03.13.059 03.13.060 03.13.057 03.13.058 03.13.055 03.13.056 03 ...
Augmented Reality Collaborative Home Improvement Environment Duration October 2002 July 2003 Summary For producing buildings in a collaborative way with all involved ...
CAR Car Augmented Reality Problem Statement The goal of CAR is to create a collaboration platform for computer scientists (UI programmers) and non-technicans (human ...
INCLUDE{" PHPURL /projects/publicProject.php?project ProjectDySenNetz show full"}
Project Fata Morgana Mobile Augmented Reality applications promise substantial savings in time and costs for product designers, in particular, for large products ...
Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to view computer information that is graphically embedded within the real three-dimensional world. Using a semi-transparent head ...
INCLUDE{" PHPURL /projects/publicProject.php?project ProjectForlog show full"}
DySenNetz (Dynamic Sensor Networks) This project provides the foundations and formal basis towards building dynamic systems to fuse multiple sensors online. To this ...
ForLog The focused view on human resources within supra-adaptive logistics systems leads to the fundamentals of / establishes the fundamentals for the mobility of ...
PRESENCCIA This project undertakes a research programme that has as its major goal the delivery of presence in wide area distributed mixted reality environments. ...
trackframe Use of AR technology in wide-range industry plants requires a tracking framework which supports a fusion of various tracking technologies based on careful ...
TUMMIC (Thoroughly consistent User-centered Man-Machine Interaction in Cars) (Sponsored by industry)
Navigation Aid for Visually Impaired NAVI is a navigation system for blind and visually impaired users. The Main Aspects of the project are User Interface The system ...
INCLUDE{" PHPURL /projects/publicProject.php?project ProjectPresenccia show full"}
INCLUDE{" PHPURL /projects/publicProject.php?project ProjectSudoku show full"} Sudoku Download: Zipped directory with executable sudoku file (for Windows)
INCLUDE{" PHPURL /projects/publicProject.php?project ProjectTrackframe show full"}
INCLUDE{" PHPURL /projects/publicProject.php?project ProjectTummic show full"} Project: TUMMIC (Thoroughly consistent User-centered Man Machine Interaction in Cars ...
Publications of the FAR Research Group INCLUDE{" CGIURL /pub/keyword.pl?FAR"} var gaq gaq ; gaq.push( ' setAccount', 'UA-45090430-2' ); gaq.push( ' trackPageview ...
Forschungsgruppe Augmented Reality (FAR) Wayfinding in Project Forlog Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Augmented Reality (AR) is a newly emerging technology by which a ...
Research Issue: System Architectures for Ubiquitous Augmented Reality Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General Description In order to provide ubiquitous tracking ...
Research Issue: Human Computer Interaction in Cars Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General description The automobile environment can get split into the area of ...
Research Issue: Industrial Augmented Reality Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General description We actively pursue intense relationships with industry partners ...
Resarch Issue: 3D Interaction Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General Description When computer-based information is embedded within the real environment of users ...
Research Issue: 3D Information Presentation Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General Description AR presents computer-based information three-dimensionally embedded ...
Multi Touch Displays TOC Abstract Contact Person and Group Coordination Florian Echtler BR Christoph Bichlmeier BR Gudrun Klinker BR Nassir Navab BR humbugfy("echtler ...
Research Issue: Sensing Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General Description To track users and mobile objects in the real world, suitable sensors need to be registered ...
Research Issue: Ubiquitous Augmented Reality UAR Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General Description Our research focus lies on bringing AR technology into real ...
Research Issue: Ubiquitous Tracking UbiTrack Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) General Description Augmented Reality provides a natural interface to the calm pervasive ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. ... Oral exams (winter semester 2010 / 2011, and DHP spring 2011) 2D Graphical User Interfaces: 2D UIs Augmented Reality: AR Note: The ...
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Oral exams (of winter semester 2006/2007) Augmented Reality: AR 3D User Interfaces: 3D UIs Location: 03.013.053 (Office of Prof. Klinker ...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Title text 120 Professor text 50 Nassir Navab Gudrun Klinker Tutors textarea 40x5 Martin Bauer Verena Broy Marco Feuerstein ...
Informatics: Games Engineering (M.Sc.) Themenbereich: Interaktion und Kommunikation Zur Anmeldung, bitte eine Entsprechende eMail an den Betreuer des jeweiligen Praktikums ...
Teaching Activities at CAMP+AR TOC Winter Term 2020/21 Lectures SQLMETASEARCH{ SELECT ' ', $FIELD.Title, ' by ', $FIELD.Professor, ' and ', $FIELD.Tutors, ' (', ...
NOP PhD Seminar: Image-guided Treatments by Nassir Navab Michael Roth Gudrun Klinker This is a joint Ph.D. seminar with the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures ...
Desktop-based User Interfaces for Computer Applications 2D Graphical User Interfaces Module IN 2112 Vorlesung Übungen im Sommersemester 2008 Prof. Gudrun Klinker ...
Mädchen machen Technik: Tanz und Schauspiel im virtuellen Studio Im Rahmen des Ferienprogramm 2009 der bayerischer Hochschulen Forschungseinrichtungen für 10-16 j ...
Master Practical Course Augmented Reality Applications by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Frieder Pankratz and Christian Waechter Type: Advanced Practical Course ...
Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Frieder Pankratz and Christian Waechter SWS: 2 Programs: Informatics (Bachelor), Informatics ...
Informationsvisualisierung Information Visualization Module IN 2139 Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2011 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Manuel Huber and Eva Artinger ...
3D User Interfaces Dreidimensionale Nutzerschnittstellen (Modul IN 2111) Module IN 2111 Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2011 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Amal Benzina ...
Master Practical Course Augmented Reality Applications by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Frieder Pankratz, Andreas Dippon and Patrick Maier Type: Advanced Practical ...
Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Eva Artinger and Christian Waechter Type: Proseminar Module IN0013 Programs: Informatics (Bachelor ...
Advanced Methods for Human Computer Interaction (HCI) by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Amal Benzina, Eva Artinger, Tayfur Coskun and Christian Waechter Type: ...
3D User Interfaces Dreidimensionale Nutzerschnittstellen (Modul IN 2111) Module IN 2111 Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2012 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Marcus ...
Advanced Methods for Augmented Reality and Human Computer Interaction by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Tayfur Coskun and Manuel Huber Type: Advanced Seminar Course ...
Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Christian Waechter and Frieder Pankratz Anfragen bzgl. des Seminars schicken Sie bitte an Christian ...
Introduction to Augmented Reality Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität Module IN 2018 Vorlesung Übungen im Sommersemester 2013 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with ...
3D User Interfaces Dreidimensionale Nutzerschnittstellen (Modul IN 2111) Module IN 2111 Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2013 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Marcus ...
Introduction to Augmented Reality Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität Module IN 2018 Vorlesung Übungen im Sommersemester 2014 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with ...
Tanz und Schauspiel im Virtuellem Studio (IN 2264) by Prof. Gudrun Klinker #44; Ph.D. Tutors: Christian Waechter and Frieder Pankratz Modul IN 2264 Type: (Programmier ...
3D User Interfaces Dreidimensionale Nutzerschnittstellen (Modul IN 2111) Module IN 2111 Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2013 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Marcus ...
Augmented Reality Medical Augmented Reality Summer Term 2015 Administrative Info Lecture by Prof. Nassir Navab Exercises by Christian Schulte zu Berge, Severine ...
Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by David A. Plecher and Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D 2 SWS , 4 ECTS BR Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology which superimposes ...
Introduction to Augmented Reality Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität Lecture with exercises, summer semester 2016 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Sandro Weber ...
3D User Interfaces Dreidimensionale Nutzerschnittstellen Lecture with exercises, summer semester 2016 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Dr. Nikolas Katzakis, Ph ...
Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by David A. Plecher and Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D 2 SWS , 4 ECTS BR Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology which superimposes ...
Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by David A. Plecher and Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D 2 SWS , 4 ECTS BR Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology which superimposes ...
TeachingSs19ArSeminar Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by David A. Plecher and Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology which ...
TeachingSs20ArSeminar Anwendungen der Augmented Reality by David A. Plecher and Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology which ...
Master Practical Course Augmented Reality Applications by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Frieder Pankratz Type: Advanced Practical Course in the Field of Pratical ...
Master Practical Course Augmented Reality Applications by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Frieder Pankratz Type: Advanced Practical Course in the Field of Pratical ...
Winter Term 2005/06 CALC{$SET(semester,2005WiSe)} Lectures SQLMETASEARCH{ SELECT ' ', $FIELD.Title, ' by ', $FIELD.Professor, ' and ', $FIELD.Tutors, ' (', $FIELD ...
Oral exams / mündliche Prüfungen Winter semester 2005/2006 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Oral exams for the class on Location: 03.013.053 (Office of Prof. Klinker) ...
Master Practical Course Augmented Reality Applications by Prof. Gudrun Klinker Supervisors: Frieder Pankratz and Andreas Dippon Type: Advanced Practical Course in ...
Introduction to Augmented Reality Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität Module IN 2018 Vorlesung Übungen im Wintersemester 2010/11 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. ...
2D Graphical User Interfaces for Desktop-based and Mobile Computer Applications 2D grafische Nutzerschnittstellen für Desktop-basierte und mobile Computeranwendungen ...
Introduction to Augmented Reality Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität Module IN 2018 Vorlesung Übungen im Wintersemester 2011/12 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. ...
Einführung in Informatik für Games Engineering (IN0031) Module IN 0031 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik: Games Engineering ( Bachelor ) RED Eine Teilnahme von Studenten ...
THIS CLASS IS CANCELLED FOR WS 2011/2012 2D Graphical User Interfaces for Desktop-based and Mobile Computer Applications 2D grafische Nutzerschnittstellen für Desktop ...
Einführung in Informatik für Games Engineering (IN0031) Module IN 0031 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik: Games Engineering ( Bachelor ) ECTS: 6 Credits Veranstaltungssprache ...
Interaktionsmethoden und geräte (IN0033) Module IN 0033 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik: Games Engineering ( Bachelor ) RED Eine Teilnahme von Studenten anderer Studieng ...
Einführung in Informatik für Games Engineering (IN0031) by Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Übungsleitung: Christian Waechter and Andreas Dippon Modul IN 0031 SWS: 2V ...
Interaktionsmethoden und geräte (IN0033) Module IN 0033 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik: Games Engineering ( Bachelor ) RED Eine Teilnahme von Studenten anderer Studieng ...
Einführung in Informatik für Games Engineering (IN0031) by Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Übungsleitung: Andreas Dippon Modul IN 0031 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik ...
Interaktionsmethoden und geräte (IN0033) Module IN 0033 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik: Games Engineering ( Bachelor ) RED Eine Teilnahme von Studenten anderer Studieng ...
Einführung in Informatik für Games Engineering (IN0031) by Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Übungsleitung: Andreas Dippon Modul IN 0031 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik ...
Interaktionsmethoden und geräte (IN0033) Module IN 0033 SWS: 2V 3Ü Zuhörer: Informatik: Games Engineering ( Bachelor ) RED Eine Teilnahme von Studenten anderer Studieng ...
Master-Seminar Gamification by Andreas Langbein, David A. Plecher and Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D 2 SWS , 5 ECTS BR Abstract In this seminar students will get an overview ...
Active !SportGames (IN 2265) Lab Course / Praktikum: Active !SportGames by Prof. Gudrun Klinker #44; Ph.D. Tutors: Tayfur Coskun and Frieder Pankratz Modul IN 2265 ...
Active !SportGames (IN 2265) Lab Course / Praktikum: Active !SportGames by Prof. Gudrun Klinker #44; Ph.D. Tutors: Frieder Pankratz Modul IN 2265 Type: Practical ...
Workshop "Ubiquitous Tracking", Cambridge 22 25 Mar, 2004 "Its not funny to ride the horse." Workshop for the Ubiquitous Tracking project of University of Cambridge ...
Workshop "Ubiquitous Tracking", Salzburg 06 08 Feb, 2004 Results Until a full protocol is written, the pictures of the flipchart are available. Sorry for the bad ...
Ubitrack Workshop in Munich Sep 22/23, 2004 TOC Schedule (Tentative) Wednesday, Sep 22 Time What Where 9:00-12:30 Arrive Garching 12:30-13:00 Lunch Garching 13:00 ...
Workshop "Ubiquitous Tracking", Salzburg 06 08 Feb, 2004 Results Until a full protocol is written, the pictures of the flipchart are available. Sorry for the bad ...
UIST 04 accompanying video material Additional video material for the submission: Otmar Hilliges, Christian Sandor, Gudrun Klinker: "Interactive Prototyping of Interaction ...
document.title "Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin und Augmented Reality"; self ...
document.title "Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin und Augmented Reality"; self ...
document.title "Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin und Augmented Reality"; self ...

Statistics for Chair Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 68965 12 0 ...

Number of topics: 154
Results from DWARF web
Terminkalenderarchiv für Augmented Reality-bezogene Aktivitäten Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Vergangene Termine (rückwärts): Datum Interne Termine (Demos, Vorträge ...
REDIRECT{"http://wwwnavab.in.tum.de/Chair/TeachingSS05ARLabCourse"} Praktikum Augmented Reality 2005 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab Praktikum ...
Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität (Introduction to Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Content Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to view computer ...
-- Main.ChristianTruebswetter 26 Jan 2005 This website contains information about my Master Thesis Prelinimary Master Thesis: http://home.in.tum.de/~truebswe/masterthesis ...
Dipl.-Inf. Martin Wagner I (almost) finished my Ph.D. at TUM and moved to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Check out my new homepage! TOC E-Mail: martin.wagner ...
Erstellen einer DWARF-basierten Darstellungskomponente für 3D Szenen auf dem iPAQ Student: Marco Feuerstein Supervisor: Christian Sandor Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker ...

Statistics for TWiki.DWARF Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 687 ...

Number of topics: 7
Results from DefRegTutorial? web

Statistics for DefRegTutorial Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 25 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from DisCent? web

Statistics for DisCent Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 56 0 0 10 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Events web
Taking Augmented Reality out of the Laboratory and into the Real World Christian Sandor Date: July 23, 2009 Time: 11:00 Location: MI 03.13.010 Abstract During the ...
TUM Informatik-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg Termin: Freitag, den 28.07.06, 12:00 Uhr Ort: Raum 03.13.010 (MI-Gebäude, Campus Garching) Interactive Context ...
TUM Informatik-Kolloquium: Jun. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bimber Termin: Donnerstag, den 27.07.06, 17:30 Uhr Ort: Raum 00.08.038 (MI-Gebäude, Campus Garching) No Screens Required ...
Machines will never be able to replace us "Machines will never be able to replace us" says Prof. Gudrun Klinker at the Munich Scientific Film Festival (Wissenschafts ...
14 Papers accepted at MICCAI 2007 Once again hard and intelligent collaborative work has been paid off. The last year success was remarkable and this year we have ...
Dissertation Defense of Peter Keitler Title : Management of Tracking and Tracking Accuracy in Industrial Augmented Reality Environments Abstract : Industrial Augmented ...
Summer CAMPing 2006 TOC The next CAMPing weekend takes place on: Sept. 21st to Sept. 23rd 2006 in the same location as last time (Sport- und Studienheim in Kleinwalsertal ...

Statistics for Events Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 31622 0 0 ...
document.title "Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin und Augmented Reality"; self ...

Number of topics: 9
Results from External web
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Number of topics: 1
Results from Far web
Proseminar f r Informatiker Augmented Reality and Wearable Computing WS 1998/1999 Univ.-Prof. Bernd Br gge, Ph.DGudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Proseminar: 2 hours class. Time ...
Proseminar Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Bereich: Informatik Grundstudium (WP INF ab 2), Informatik Bachelor (WP BS-INF 2) Zeit der Veranstaltung ...
Proseminar Anwendungen f r Augmented Reality (Applications of Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Bereich: Informatik Grundstudium (WP INF ab 2), Informatik ...
Anwendungen f r Augmented Reality (Applications of Augmented Reality) Proseminar SS 03 Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Bereich Informatik Grundstudium (WP INF ab 2), ...
Proseminar Sommersemester 2004 Anwendungen für Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Inhalt "Erweiterte Realität" (Augmented Reality, AR) ist eine neue Technologie ...
Proseminar Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Bereich: Informatik Grundstudium (WP INF ab 2), Informatik Bachelor (WP BS-INF 2) Zeit der Vorlesung: Freitag ...
Proseminar Anwendungen f r Augmented Reality (Applications of Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Slides taken out, because some topics are reused in ...
Proseminar WS 02/03 Anwendungen f r Augmented Reality(Applications of Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Bereich Informatik Grundstudium (WP INF ab 2 ...
Proseminar Wintersemester 2003/2004 Anwendungen für Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Inhalt "Erweiterte Realität" (Augmented Reality, AR) ist eine neue ...
Proseminar Wintersemester 2004/2005 Anwendungen für Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Inhalt "Erweiterte Realität" (Augmented Reality, AR) ist eine neue ...
Hauptseminar Wintersemester 2003/2004 Benutzerschnittstellen für Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. und Christian Sandor Inhalt "Erweiterte Realität" (Augmented ...
Also see the links on Gudrun Klinkers Chair.AugmentedReality page. Literature (suggestions for further reading): STARTINCLUDE Computer graphics, coordinate systems ...
Erweiterte Realität RED II ENDCOLOR ( RED Advanced Topics in ENDCOLOR Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Content Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to ...
Einf hrung in die erweiterte Realit t Prof. Bernd Br gge, Ph.D. Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Bereich: Informatik I (2 Std) Zeit der Vorlesung: Freitag 11:00 13:00 ...
Vorlesung SS 03 Erweiterte Realit t II(Augmented Reality II) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Bereich Diplom-Studiengang: Haupstudium Bachelor/Master-Studiengang 2 SWS ...
Vorlesung WS 02/03 Einf hrung in die Erweiterte Realit t(Introduction to Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Bereich Diplom-Studiengang: Haupstudium Bachelor ...
Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität (Introduction to Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Content Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to view computer ...
Praktikum Augmented Reality Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Praktikum im Hauptstudium (Praktische Informatik) (Veranstaltungsinformationen in der Drehscheibe) Breaking ...
Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität (Introduction to Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Content Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to view computer ...
Hauptseminar Machine Learning for Context Aware Computing Teilnehmer: maximal 12 Studenten nach bestandenem Vordiplom. Voranmeldung per E-Mail mit kurzer Vorstellung ...
Hauptseminar Machine Learning Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer Dipl.-Inf. Martin Bauer, Dipl.-Inf. Martin Wagner, Dipl.-Inf. Ulrich Rückert Teilnehmer ...
Hauptseminar Machine Learning Offline vs. Online Learning Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer Dipl.-Inf. Martin Wagner, Dipl.-Inf. Martin Bauer ...
Hauptseminar: Mathematische Grundlagen der Augmented Reality (Mathematical Foundations of Augmented Reality) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Bereich: Informatik Hauptstudium ...
Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Reality (AR) is a newly emerging technology by which a user's view of the real world is augmented with ...
Fachgebiet Erweiterte Realität (Prof. Gudrun Klinker) Research Group for Augmented Reality

Number of topics: 25
Results from Helmholtz web
document.title "Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin und Augmented Reality"; self ...

Statistics for Helmholtz Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 111 0 ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from ISMAR web
Advance Program TOC{depth "2"} Download Advance Program for ISMAR 05 (pdf) Program Wednesday Oct 5 8:00am-8:45am Registration (at Siemens Forum) 8:30am-5:00pm Workshop ...
The ISMAR Blackboard Open research positions, student opportunities, job offers by research labs and companies related to ISMAR. You have something that should be ...
Call for Papers TOC Over the last decade Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have evolved from experimental technologies to mainstream research activities ...
Conference Chairs Committees ; hUmBuG 'ismar05.org'; hUmBuG ('general' '@' hUmBuG); document.write('' hUmBuG ''); JavaScript needed to see the email addresses ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Michael Haller, FH Hagenberg Authoring the Impossible? (AMIRE toolkit) Abstract The implementation of industrial applications ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Jean-Yves Didier, Laboratoire Systèmes Complexes AMRA: Augmented Reality Assistance in Train Maintenance Tasks Abstract The ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Konrad Zürl, A.R.T. !GmbH The Achilles´ Heels of Optical Tracking Systems: Occlusions and Optical Interferences – A.R.T. ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Mark Fiala, National Research Council of Canada ARTag Rev2 Fiducial Marker System: Vision based Tracking for AR Abstract ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Jens Weidenhausen, Harald Wüst and Didier Stricker, IGD AR-Browser: an Application Based on the Mixed Reality System VR-AVALON ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Werner Schreiber, Volkswagen AG Report on the Post-ARVIKA Industry-based AR Interest Group Abstract After finishing the German ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Hirokazu Kato (Osaka University), Mark Billinghurst (HIT Lab NZ) Potential of the !ARToolKit for Use in Industrial AR Applications ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Thomas Bock, TU Munich INI.TUM (with AUDI AG) Vehicle in the Loop Augmented Reality Application for Collision Mitigation ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Graham Thomas, BBC Applications of AR in Broadcasting Abstract The incorporation of 3D graphics in TV programmes in real ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Stephan Huber, BMW AG Augmented Reality Applications in Experimental Vehicle Construction at BMW Abstract In the department ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Toshikazu Ohshima, Human Machine Perception Laboratory, Canon Inc Applying MR Technologies to Product Exhibition at Canon ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Maribeth Gandy and Blair !MacIntyre, Georgia Institute of Technology The DART Project: Building Real Tools for Real People ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Axel Hildebrand, Daimler Chrysler Augmented Reality Applications at Daimler Chrysler Abstract This talk gives an overview ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Dieter Langer, EADS Future Research Directions for Markerless Augmented Reality at the Example of an Aircraft's Landing Gear ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Marco Schumann, IFF FHG Magdeburg Authoring – A Key Element to Efficient Creation of VR/AR Content Abstract One of the major ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Eric Foxlin, !InterSense Inc. History and Roadmap of !InterSense Tracker Development for Industrial AR and Automation Abstract ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Peter Meier, metaio Augmented Solutions Unifeye SDK Mixed Reality. Unique Solutions Abstract metaio is one of the leading ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Reinhold Behringer, RSC Augmented Reality in Rockwell Corporate Research Abstract The interest of US commercial industry ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Mirko Appel, Siemens AG, Corporate Technologies AR for Plant Service Applications, Challenges, Future Directions Abstract ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Dieter Schmalstieg, TU Graz Rapid Prototyping of Augmented Reality Applications with the STUDIERSTUBE Framework Abstract ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Bruno Uzzan, Total Immersion Industrial Applications of D'Fusion Software Abstract Total Immersion is a software company ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Stefan Nölle, Volkswagen AG AR Applications for the Car Development Process at Volkswagen Lessons Learned Abstract One of ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Fabian Doil, Volkswagen AG AR-based Analysis of Interfering Edges between Real and Virtual Objects Abstract Recently Virtual ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Venue The workshop will be held just before ISMAR 2005 in Vienna at the Siemens Campus "Erdbergerlände" on Wednesday, Oct ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Venue The workshop will be held just before ISMAR 2005 in Vienna at the Siemens Campus "Erdbergerlände" on Wednesday, Oct ...
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality Augmented Reality has matured from a pure research field into actual industrial applications. There are still many research ...

Statistics for ISMAR Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 1184 0 0 247 ...

Number of topics: 31
Results from ISMAR08IAR web
BR BR BR ISMAR 2008 : Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality: Needs and Solutions TOC Summary As the interest and the development of Augmented Reality (AR) is growing ...

Statistics for ISMAR08IAR Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 381 0 ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from MEDAR web

Statistics for MEDAR Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 106 0 0 16 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Main web
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} Amal Benzina, M.Sc. Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented ...
Dipl. Ing. FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} Contact Company: Email: Phone: Room: BMW Group Research ...
Benjamin Becker document.title "Benjamin Becker, Dipl.-Inf."; Dipl.-Inf. Benjamin Becker EMail : benni.becker at googlemail.com Research My Ph. D. Advisor is Prof ...
Dr. Björn Schwerdtfeger Name: Bjoern Schwerdtfeger Email: humbugfy("Bjoern.Schwerdtfeger","gmx.de") Phone: 49 (0) 175/2457235 Fax: 49 (0) 3212 1278964 Room: MI 00 ...
"Any sufficently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C. Clarke's third law Contact Information Dr. Christian Sandor (recently: Chris Sandor ...
Name: Christian Trübswetter Email: truebswe (ät) in.tum.de Area: wwwnavab My Bachelor's Thesis: Title: Analyzing and Monitoring Tracking Accuracy of an A.R.T. System ...
Dr. Christian Wachinger email humbugfy("wachinge","in.tum.de") address Institut für Informatik I-16 Technische Universität München Boltzmannstr. 3 85748 Garching ...
document.title "Christina Gackstatter, Dipl.-Inf."; Dipl.-Inf. Christina Gackstatter EMail : christina.gackstatter at audi.de Phone : 49 (0841) 89 574582 Room: 03 ...
Dipl.-Inf. Daniel Pustka pustka@in.tum.de Technische Universität MünchenInstitut für Informatik I16Fachgebiet Augmented Reality Raum MI 03.13.037Telefon: 49 (89) ...
Dr. rer. nat. David A. Plecher, M.A. Dipl.-Inf. Univ. Name: David A. Plecher Email: humbugfy("plecher","in.tum.de") Projects ENABLE WP 3-2: Nutrition needs of adolescents ...
EinstiegsHandbuch lies dieses Dokument TOC Fakultät Interne Doktoranden (TVL, BAT) IGSSE Stipendiaten Externe Doktoranden in.tum.de Zugang War man bereits Student ...
Prof. Dr. Florian Echtler "It's hard to say exactly what constitutes research in the computer world, but as a first approximation, it's software that doesn't have ...
document.title "Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D."; Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Head of FAR (Forschungsgruppe Augmented Reality) klinker@in.tum.de Technische Universit ...
document.title "Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D."; Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Short biography Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. studied computer science (informatics) at the ...
document.title "Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D."; Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Date of birth Feb. 15, 1958 ...
Dr. Hesam Najafi QUALCOMM Incorporated Corporate R D 5665 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA 92121-1714 USA Research Interests Computer Vision Augmented Reality Computational ...
Research Interest Navigation and Computer Aided Surgery Evaluation of Navigation Systems in Medicine Augmented Reality in Medicine Hybrid User Interfaces for Surgery ...
Katharina Buckl (geb. Pentenrieder) Dr. Katharina Buckl (geb. Pentenrieder) External !PhD at: metaio GmbH Phone (metaio): 49 (0)89 5480-198-0 Phd advisor: Prof. Gudrun ...
Lorenzo Pirritano Lorenzo Pirritano Technische Universit t M nchen ( exchange Student from University of Pisa, Italy ) MSc. in Computer Science E-Mail: humbugfy( ...
Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Tönnis Dipl.-Inf. Univ. "Learning is like a sandstorm you only see once everything settles!" unknown TOC INCLUDE{MarcusToennisContact} RED I ...
Dr. Martin A. Bauer humbugfy("martin.bauer","in.tum.de") Technische Universität München, Institut für Informatik I16Fachgebiet Augmented Reality Left the chair in ...
Dipl.-Inf. Martin Wagner I finished my Ph.D. at TUM and moved to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. I finished also my time at academia, now I am with TNG Technology ...
Peter Keitler On top of Nevado Pastorouri, Perú Email: keitler@mytum.de Phone: 49 89 289 17091 Room: 00.13.062 RED This page has been updated for the last time on ...
Rudi Lindl Phone (TUM): 49 (89) 289-17089 (only on friday) Phone (BMW): 49 (89) 382-13243 Company: BMW Group Research and Technology Hanauerstraße 46 D-80992 München ...
SchulProgrammGroup Set GROUP Main.MartinHorn, Main.GudrunKlinker, NastaranMatthes, UrsulaEschbach, VenetaDobreva, HelmutSeidl, PeterHubwieser, AngelikaReiser Set ...
Sebastian Marsch Sebastian Marsch Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented Reality BR Fakultät für Informatik Technische Universität München BR Boltzmannstr ...
Sebastian Spiekermann Name: Sebastian Spiekermann Company: BMW Group Email: sebastian.spiekermann@bmw.de My Ph.D. Advisor is Prof. Gudrun Klinker. Research Interests ...
The CAMP Staff Group Set GROUP WolfgangWein, NassirNavab, MartinaHilla, GudrunKlinker, MarcusToennis, DanielPustka, KatharinaPentenrieder, VerenaBroy, AndreasKeil ...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in TWIKIWEB .TWikiRegistration. This will create an account for ...
TrackFrameGroup Set GROUP Main.MartinHorn, ManuelHuber, FlorianEchtler, BenjaminBecker, GeorgKlinker, GudrunKlinker, StephanHuber, DanielPustka, PeterKeitler Set ...
Verena Broy Company: BMW Group Phone (BMW): 49 (89) 382-48916 My Ph.D. Advisor is Prof. Gudrun Klinker. Research Interests Information Visualization 3D Interfaces ...
VisitorGroup Set GROUP Main.MartinHorn, Main.GudrunKlinker, Main.GrafingUser07 Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup, StaffGroup

Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 1193457 8 0 ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname"} ( #20234; #34276; #21191; #22826;), Dr. rer. nat. .twikiMiddleContainer{ max-width:1200px; } p{ } li { line-height:1 ...

Number of topics: 34
Results from Moca web

Statistics for Moca Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 113 0 0 39 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Students web
ARassistance Diploma Thesis: Augmented reality driving assistance systems Thesis by: still open Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marina Plavsic Due date: Abstract ...
Increase motivation to do sports by manipulating an ego AR view of the trainee in realtime In this thesis the student will develop an ego AR (Augmented Reality) view ...
BAGestyboardOnTheBacksideOfATablet Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes SpeedUp ist ein User-Interface zu entwickeln, welches u.a. die besonderen Anforderungen von sogenannten ...
Gruppenvisualisierungen auf einer digitalen Karte welche im MANV eingesetzt wird In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene Alternativen entwickelt und evaluiert werden ...
Einsatzabschnittsunterteilung einer digitalen Kartenanwendung zur besseren Unterteilung von wichtigen Resourcen und Patienten in einem MANV In dieser Arbeit soll ...
BAMultiFingerMouse In dieser Arbeit soll auf einem Mulitouch-Screen eine Simulation der herkömmlichen Mouse entwickelt werden, mit der wie gewohnt ein Zeiger (Cursor ...
Abstract The purpose of this project is to design and implement a mobile AR Application for the indoor exploration of a building. The mobile AR App should be used ...
BAVirtualJoystickComparison In dieser Arbeit sollten Alternativen zum bekannten virtuellen Joystick für touchscreens konzeptioniert und implementiert werden. Anschlie ...
BaARTableTopGame Overview This thesis is intended as a group bachelor thesis for 2-3 students of the Bachelor Games Engineering course. The workload has to be divided ...
Interactive Schafkopf: Extending the Real Game with Virtual Players Thesis by: Thomas Bothe Supervisor: Andreas Dippon Director: Gudrun Klinker Time: 15.4.2014 15 ...
Bestimmung der Pose einer mobilen Kamera relativ zu Objekten aus einem georeferenzierten Umgebungsmodell Abstract Im Rahmen der Bachelorarbeit wurde die Nutzung von ...
User supporting Visualisationmethods for Hand-Eye Calibration Abstract In this project the student should think about various methods to support common, but yet complex ...
Virtually Participating in Real Games from a Different Location Thesis by: Dominik Dechamps Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Andreas Dippon Due date: 2014 ...
ATC as a Game Details ^ Editor: Benedict Gruber ^ Advisor: Gudrun Klinker ^ Supervisor: Andreas Dippon ^ Supervisor: Peter Sandl (Airbus) ^ Supervisor: Leonhard Vogelmeier ...
Distance Visualization for HMD Interaction Abstract In this project the student should think about various methods to support the depth perception in a 3DUI scenario ...
Augmented Virtual Space: Visualizations in a Multi-Device Virtual Environment Thesis by: Stefan Hell Supervisors: Andreas Dippon, Yuta Itoh Director: Gudrun Klinker ...
MA/DA/BA: F the FRAVE Thesis by: Evgeny Ilyushkin Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus Tönnis and Amal Benzina Abstract The FRAVE is a Fully Reconfigurable ...
Bachelor thesis Topic: Integration of global reference frames into feature-based tracking. Thesis by: Mahmoud Mohamed Bahaa Director: Prof.Dr. Gudrun Klinker Supervision ...

Controlling 3D objects by using a multitouch surface with gesture recognition TOC Abstract This thesis is about using a mulititouch surface to control 3D-objects ...
Development of a trajectory planning tool for a highly automated aircraft Thesis by: Börge Kessner Supervisor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Advisors: Andreas Dippon ...
Fog Of Triage DE In dieser Arbeit soll das aus der Computerspiele-Community stammende Prinzip "Fog Of War" auf auf den Anwendungsfall im Rettungsdienst bezüglich ...
BaMaMapVisualisierungsAnimationsEvaluation In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene Situationen eines MANVS (Massenanfall von Verletzten) animiert werden. Ziel ist es ...
Markerloses Tracking von Personen und Geräten im OP Möglichkeiten und Ansätze Thema Das Markerlose Tracking gewinnt in der Augmented Reality immer mehr an Bedeutung ...
A Framework for Visual Tracking of Articulated Objects
Classification of AR Presentation Principles: Trends and Gaps in AR Conferences and Other Sources for Classification Name Range Done ISMAR 2012 2013 done Augmented ...
A Web based Photogrammetric Camera Calibration Toolbox This Bachelor's Thesis was finished in August 2014. Below is an overview of the project and its results. More ...
Erstellung eines SVG-GUI-Builders im Rahmen des Speed-Up-Projektes TOC Kurzfassung Im Rahmen des Speed-Up Projektes wird ein User-Interface benötigt, welches u.a ...
Implementation and Evaluation of Motion-Based Input for a Volleyball Game Thesis by: Johannes Schmidt Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Andreas Dippon Due date ...
Investigation of a touch floor as input device in a virtual environment Thesis by: Rolf Sotzek Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Amal Benzina and Marcus Tönnis ...
Development of an Interactive System for Visualisation and Navigation of Complex Model-Based Development Data Thesis by: Jennifer Tipecska Director: Gudrun Klinker ...
Towering Defense: An Augmented Reality Multi-Device Game Thesis by: Paul Tolstoi Supervisor: Andreas Dippon Director: Gudrun Klinker Due date: 15.9.2014 Abstract ...
Analyzing and Monitoring Tracking Accuracy of an A.R.T. System Bachelor Thesis Christian Trübswetter Abstract The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore which ...
MA/DA/BA: Die Klassifizierung und Analyse von Darstellungsprinzipien in AR-Anwendungen Thesis by: Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus Tönnis Abstract The ...
Bachelor's Thesis: Augmented Virtual Space: Interactions in a Multi-Device Virtual Environment Thesis by: Maximilian Wandinger Supervisor: Andreas Dippon, Yuta Itoh ...
Investigating Viewpoint Control Metaphors for hand-held devices in Virtual Environments Introduction Today two dimensional map data is available almost everywhere ...
Investigating Haptic Interfaces for Viewpoint Control Metaphors in Virtual Environments Thesis by: Maximilian Weber Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus ...
User Identification in a Multi-Device Environment Thesis by: Monika Wintergerst Supervisor: Andreas Dippon Director: Gudrun Klinker Due date: 15.09.2015 Abstract ...
Multimodal Integration Multimodal Integration for the FRAVE Abstract Many interfaces have been and are being implemented for interaction (Travel, Selection and Manipulation ...
Hochgenaue Abstands- und Positionsbestimmung von Objekten im Fahrumfeld mit Stereo Vision für verschiedene Applikationen. Precise Distance and Position Determination ...
Android Selection and Zooming metaphor in a VR environment. This Work could be done in a BA, MA and Guided research thesis, the requirements are decided accordingly ...
BA: Travel in CAVE Using Android Interaction in an immersive virtual environment (IVE) such as a CAVE is divided into three main tasks: Travel techniques, selection ...
Efficient Visualization of Lighting Simulation Data
Auto-Calibration of Spatial Sensor Information Motivation Recently several AR (or AR like) applications have been developed on mobile devices, especially smart phones ...
Fast and Robust Background Subtraction Motivation Background Subtraction is a standard procedure for higher level applications like People Tracking, Human Motion ...
Construction of Decentralized Data Flow Graphs in Ubiquitous Tracking Environments Student: Dagmar Beyer Supervisors: Martin Bauer, Asa MacWilliams, Martin Wagner ...
Billiard Ball Tracking Type: DA/MA/BA Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Christian Waechter Abstract In collaboration with the Munich startup company Master ...
Implicit guidance to poses in AR Implizite Führung zu Posen in der AR. Motivation Abstract Visualization User Test Search Scenario Photography Scenario Maze Scenario ...
Visualization of activity parameters with an avatar suitable for the elderly people (Seniorengerechte Repräsentation von Aktivitätsparametern anhand eines adaptiven ...
Counting data on a map on a multitouch table Counting Data Neclace Within the project !SpeedUp (http://www.speedup-projekt.de/) we develop a map application for ...
Building a gesture based display TOC The SiVit information desk: Project description The goal of this diploma theses is to develop a system where interactive applications ...
Diploma Thesis: AR in Cars for Assistance at Intersections Thesis by: finished Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marina Plavsic COMMA Marcus Tönnis Abstract ...
Dynamic Occlusion for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications Motivation First have look at the following video and things might get clear: Among various effects occlusion ...
Dynamische Kalibrierung eines Lokalisierungssystems basierend auf einer drahtlosen Technologie Beschreibung Lokalisierungssysteme werden immer häufiger in Kliniken ...
Egozentrische 3D-Visualisierung von Fussballtaktiken in einer Datenbrille Ego-centric 3D-Visualization of Soccer Tactics in an HMD Description In soccer, many tactical ...
Enable – Förderung einer gesunden Ernährung (BA/MA/GR) Beschreibung „mens sana in corpore sano“ – Bereits für die alten Römer galt es als erstrebenswert, dass ein ...
Endless Marker Tracking Type: DA/MA/BA Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Christian Waechter and Manuel Huber Abstract In the scenario of a wide area tracking ...
Evaluierung eines alternativen optischen Trackingsystems zur Überprüfung der Genauigkeit eines Lokalisierungssystems Beschreibung Lokalisierungssysteme werden immer ...
Fast Contour Segmentation Motivation A previous thesis evaluated first methods of extracting the shilouette of persons within the view of a (mobile) camera. Based ...
Diploma Thesis (Lehrstuhl.FelixLoew) This work is done at the Hitlab NZ supervised by Prof. Mark Billighurst (Hitlab) and Martin Wagner (TUM). Supervising Professor ...
Design of a Planning Tool for Port Placement in Robotically Assisted Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery Bearbeiter: Marco Feuerstein Aufgabensteller: Prof ...
3D Particle System on a Multitouch Table Flow Visualization image from Jens Krüger, Peter Kipfer, Polina Kondratieva, Rüdiger Westermann, A Particle System for Interactive ...
Master's Thesis: Display Technologies for Augmented Reality Support in Logistics Videos: AR Picking Big (10MB) AR Picking Snall (4.5MB) BR BR Beispiel Setups: BR ...
Multitouch Gesten Leitfaden Motivation: Multitouch Geräte, die mit Gesten bedient werden, werden immer beliebter. Die Anzahl der unterschiedlichen Gesten wächst dabei ...
Gestenbasierte Informationsvisualisierung mit einem optisch getrackten Datenhandschuh (ART)
MA/DA/BA: Glance related object positioning in Augmented Reality Thesis by: your name here Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus Tönnis and Amal Benzina ...
Fusion of Optical and Magnetic Tracking Bearbeiter: Main.SintjeGoeritz Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Main.MartinBauer und Jörg Traub Abgabedatum ...
Development of a Planning and Navigation Tool for Endoscopic Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms Computer Supported Implantation of a Stent Graft Bearbeiter: Martin Groher ...
NAVI Navigation Aid for Visually Impaired: A navigation system for blind and visually impaired people with tactile output Titel: Design eines für Blinde und Sehbehinderte ...
Diplomarbeit: Optical See-Through HMD Calibration Student: Sven Hennauer Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Martin Bauer Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Nassir ...
Active Vision in Interactive Spaces Diploma Thesis Active Vision goes beyond plain sensing technology and includes strategies for observation. Rather than just processing ...
Methoden und Metaphern zur Navigation in virtuellen Landkarten Einleitung In den letzten Jahren konnten sich elektronische Landkarten vor allem wegen ihres praktischen ...
Entwicklung eines inverskinematischen infrarot-optischen Datenhandschuhs Diplomarbeit Student: Gerrit Hillebrand Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Betreuer: ...
Interaction Management for Adaptive Augmented Reality User Interfaces Student: Otmar Hilliges Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Christian Sandor Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker ...
Diplomarbeit: Ressourcenmanagement im Katastrophenfall in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Klinikum Innenstadt, der Berufsfeuerwehr München und O2 (Germany) Auszüge aus der ...
Mathematical Methods of Image Processing for Automated Navigation in Endoscopic Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms Computer Aided Implantation of a Stent Graft Bearbeiter ...
Authoring of Augmented Reality based Maintenance Manuals Ein Autorensystem für Augmented Reality-basierte Wartungsanleitungen Dimitri Khanin
Usage of Depth Camera xbox Kinect Interaction in an immersive virtual environment (IVE) such as a CAVE is divided into three main tasks: Travel techniques, selection ...
Gesture Recognition in a VR environment Kinect This Work could be done in a BA, MA and Guided research thesis, the requirements are decided accordingly. Interaction ...
Presentation Concepts for Conformal Navigation Systems Realisation and Evaluation of Conformal Navigational Arrows in a Conformal Head-Up Display Thesis by: Leslie ...
Entwicklung und prototypische Umsetzung eines Konzeptes zur Programmierung komplexer Roboterzellen durch 3-D-Interaktion in VR-Umgebungen Oskar Klett
Diplomarbeit: Infrastructure Independent Self-Positioning Using Projected Patterns in the Environment
Entwicklung eines User-Interfaces auf einem Tablet-PC zum effizienten und intuitiven Ausfüllen von digitalen Formularen im Rettungsdienst TOC Abstract Für die Abrechnung ...
Augmented Reality (AR) in Benutzerschnittstellen für Industrieroboter In Zusammenarbeit mit Wolfgang Vogl vom Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswesen (iwb ...
Location-Based Augmented Reality Gaming Background White Pony is a startup from Bayreuth that creates an Augmented Reality app called Eosis. The app combines game ...
Flugzeug-AR Bearbeiter: Franz Mader Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Main.MartinBauer, Main.MartinWagner, Main.HesamNajafi Abgabedatum: 15.07 ...
Evaluierung markerloser Trackingverfahren zur Realisierung einer MagicBook-Anwendung
MA/DA/BA: Maneuvering Metaphors Thesis by: Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus Tönnis and Amal Benzina Abstract Are you airplane pilot, car driver or lens ...
Fusion of Time-of-Flight Plane Features with Point Features for Camera-Pose Tracking Abstract The objective of this master thesis is to estimate the pose change of ...
Master's thesis Title: Tracking for augmented reality applications on mobile phones Thesis by: Frieder Pankratz Advisor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker, PhD. Supervision by ...
Development of a multitouch sensor for LCD displays Overview #con { / color: red / } #pro { / color: green / } Multitouch has drawn attention since the introduction ...
BA: Development of a tangible multiplayer Tetris game on a Multitouch Table Tetris on a multitouch table concept image Tetris is a very well-known game. Over 20 ...
Identifying Efficient Users of Augmented Reality Systems Videos of the current System Overview The diploma thesis Display Technologies for Augmented Reality support ...
Attentive User Interfaces for DWARF Student: Vinko Novak Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Christian Sandor Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission date: 14.06.2004 Abstract ...
Tracking und Kalibration mit einem Infrarot-Optischen Mehrkamerasystem Infrared Camera Infrared Image and according real scene. Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, f ...
Diplomarbeit: Software based planning and information management on mobile devices for supporting the administration of rescue operations in Zusammenarbeit mit der ...
Diplomarbeit: Supporting emergency responders using software #8208;based information management on mobile devices in Zusammenarbeit mit der Feuerwehr TU München A ...
Tracking Scissors using reflective Lines Student: Main.KatharinaPentenrieder Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Martin Bauer Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission date: 15 ...
Interaktiver elektronischer Leitstand zur Disposition von Fertigungsaufträgen Hiebei handelt es sich um die Diplomarbeit von Main.StevenPessall, die in Kooperation ...
Mounting an Augmented Reality Laser Projector on an Order Picking Trolley Advisor: Main.BjoernSchwerdtfeger Supervision by: Main.GudrunKlinker Abstract This research ...
Statistics on AR Design Principles Klassifizierung von Anzeigeprinzipien in AR-Anwendungen anhand von definierten Paradigmata Abstract Klassifizierung in Dimensionen ...
Handling Error in Ubiquitous Tracking Setups Student: Daniel Pustka Supervisors: Martin Bauer, Asa MacWilliams, Martin Wagner Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission ...
NAVI Navigation Aid for Visually Impaired: Automatic Generation of User Interest Profiles Titel: Benutzerorientierter Datenfilter für Umgebungsinformationen als ...
As every system becomes more and more complex #44; the according maintenance becomes more and more difficult. This diploma thesis describes a maintenance assistant ...
Recording and Analyzing Tracking Data for a Sheet-Metal Processing Robot Abstract In cooperation with the institute for metal forming and casting at the faculty of ...
Increasing Robustness of Real-Time Edge-Based Tracking
Cartographic metaphor for interaction in an automotive environment Kartographische Interaktionsmetaphern im Automobil Christopher Rölle
Diplomarbeit: Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung einer Schattenmetapher für Fahrerinformationssysteme in Zusammenarbeit mit der BMW Forschung und Technik ...
Predicting the Accuracy of Optical Tracking Systems Student Project (Diplomarbeit) There exist several optical tracking systems on the market that use infrared reflective ...
Games testing/challenging/enhancing IT security Description Today's IT systems as well as overall office environments using IT are known to be vulnerable to malicious ...
Serious Games (BA/MA/GR) "Es ist keine Schande nichts zu wissen, wohl aber, nichts lernen zu wollen." (Platon) Beschreibung Serious Games verbinden den Spaß am Spiel ...
DA/MA/BA: Entwicklung eines 3D-Sichtfelds der Fahrzeugumgebung Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Andreas Frey, Sebastian Spiekermann Zeitraum: open Beschreibung ...
High Accuracy Tracking for Medical Augmented Reality Bearbeiter: Tobias Sielhorst Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Ali Khamene, Ph.D. (Siemens ...
Importance of Gaze Awareness in Augmented Reality Tele Conferncing Bearbeiter: Michael Siggelkow Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Martin Wagner ...
Bachelorarbeit: Entwicklung einer Applikation auf einem Multi-touch Tisch zur Überblickslage in Großschadensereignissen Martin Schanzenbach in Zusammenarbeit mit ...
Bootstrapping of Sensor Networks in Ubiquitous Tracking Environments Student: Franz Strasser Supervisors: Martin Bauer, Asa MacWilliams, Martin Wagner Professor: ...
Issues in View Management for 3D Objects on Multiple Displays Student: Fabian Sturm Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Christian Sandor Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission ...
Horst Süggel Name: Horst Süggel Email: Horst.Sueggel@bmw.de Phone: Room: DA: Integration and evaluation of light- and shadow metaphors for In-vehicle Information ...
Werkstudententätigkeit: Entwicklung einer Testsoftware für Lokalisierungssysteme Beschreibung Lokalisierungssysteme werden in vielen Bereichen wie der Logistik oder ...
Diploma thesis Title: A Framework for Evaluation of Time Measurement based Tracking Approaches Thesis by: Stefan Machleidt Advisor: Dipl. Inform Manuel Huber Supervision ...
Data Management for Augmented Reality Applications Bearbeiter: Marcus Tönnis Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Martin Bauer Abgabedatum: 15.07 ...
Tracking in Interactive Spaces Diplomarbeit / Master's thesis Location : Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain Background about the group The laboratory for ...
Design of an Intra-Operative Augmented Reality Navigation Tool for Robotically Assisted Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery Bearbeiter: Jörg Traub Aufgabensteller ...
Gameentwicklung zum Thema Traumwelt/ Luzides Träumen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Studiengang Kunst und Multimedia der LMU (BA/MA) Beschreibung Es handelt sich hierbei ...
Design of user evaluation of two travel metaphors in a VR environment. This Work could be done in a HIWI, BA, MA and Guided research thesis, the requirements are ...
MA/DA/BA: Classification of AR Presentation Principles: Trends and Gaps in AR Thesis by: Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus Tönnis Abstract The AR design ...
Entwicklung eines User-Interfaces auf einem Tablet-PC (Touch-Screen) zur Unterstützung von Einsatzkräften (Rettungsdienst) in Großschadensereignissen in Zusammenarbeit ...
Bachelorarbeit: User-Interface für digitale Formulare Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes SpeedUp ist ein User-Interface zu entwickeln, welches u.a. die besonderen ...
Entwicklung von innovativen Texteingabemethoden für einen robusten Tablet PC Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes SpeedUp ist ein User-Interface zu entwickeln, welches ...
DaUebeTutorMusik English This thesis is in cooperation with a psychology student of LMU Munich. The project results in an evaluation of the pedagogical concept and ...
Entwicklung eines Web 2.0 Rauminformationssystem für die TUM Universitätsbibliothek in Zusammenarbeit mit der TUM Universitätsbibliothek Im Rahmen der Erneuerung ...
Bachelor thesis Subtitle Thesis by: Advisor: Supervision by: Due date: Abstract Resources Literature
User Distraction through Interaction with a Wall-sized Display A. Plopski BR User Distraction through Interaction with a Wall-sized Display BR
Tracking von Verkehrsteilnehmern in Multi-Sensor Systemen Die BMW Group bietet Ihnen ein spannendes Thema für Ihre Diplomarbeit im Bereich Projekte Connected Drive ...
Erkennung von Verkehrsteilnehmern in Videobild und Radar Aufgaben: Die BMW Group Forschung und Technik !GmbH bietet Ihnen ein spannendes Thema für Ihre Diplomarbeit ...
Diplomarbeit: Entwicklung von virtuellen Patienten zur Evaluation unterschiedlicher Triagesysteme in Zusammenarbeit mit der Berufsfeuerwehr München Sichtungsteams ...
DaWPFMultitouchGestureboard This theses is about implementing a multitouch-keyboard based on gestures which can be used with 10 fingers at the same time. A well-known ...
DaWPFMultitouchGestureboard2 In dieser Arbeit soll Optimierungen einer innovativen Multitouch-Tastatur entwickelt, implementiert und evaluiert werden. Die Tastatur ...
DaWPFMultitouchGestureboard3 In dieser Arbeit soll eine bereits bestehende neuartige Multitouchtastatur (Gestyboard 3.0) in einer Langzeitstudie mit multiplen Sitzungen ...
DaWPFMultitouchGestureboard4 Abstract In this thesis, the innovative 10-Finger-based touchscreen keyboard goes into its forth iteration. To overcome the lack of tactile ...
DaWPFMultitouchGestureboardKinect In dieser Masterarbeit soll eine virtuelle Tastatur entwickelt werden, die mit Hilfe der Kinect von Microsoft arbeitet. Die Erkennung ...
Recognition of dynamic gestures considering multimodal context information Student: Leonhard Walchshäusl Supervisor: Dr. Frank Althoff (BMW Group Forschung und Technik ...
Diplomarbeit: Entwicklung komplexer Anwendungen in einer plugin-freien Webbrowserumgebung Development of complex applications in a plugin-free web browser environment ...
Implementation and Validation of Intensity Based 3D-2D Registration Algorithms for Radiation Therapy Bearbeiter: Wolfgang Wein Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker ...
Weitwinkel-basiertes Tracking für Portable See-Through Displays
Bachelorarbeit: Entwicklung eines Widgets zur Steuerung einer Karte auf einem Multitouch Tisch Widget zur Steuerung Ein Widget zum Verschieben, Zoomen und Drehen ...
Contactless control of a minimal invasive surgical robot system In collaboration with Andreas Tobergte and Tobias Ortmaier of the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und ...
Bachelorarbeit: Bedienung einer 3d Applikation durch einen Wii Controller Flow Visualization image from Jens Krüger, Peter Kipfer, Polina Kondratieva, Rüdiger Westermann ...
Enabling Personalized Augmented Reality Display Technology in Cars TOC Subject With recent advances of Head-up Display (HUD) technology in cars, Augmented Reality ...
Calibration of Virtual Cameras for Augmented Reality Bearbeiter: Bernhard Zaun Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Martin Bauer Abgabedatum: 15 ...
Automatic assignment of paramedics on a multitouch table Automatic assignment according to priorization Within the project !SpeedUp (http://www.speedup-projekt.de ...
EdgeInteractionEvaluationTabletPC In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene Interaktionskonzepte entwickelt werden, die ein mal direkt (per Touch auf dem entsprechenden ...
ExergotchiPark In this thesis the student's task is to write an android application which is able to connect to a server. The time and the position have to be transferred ...
Pre-operational planning and intra-operational guidance and navigation for robotically assisted endoscopic coronary artery bypass grafting Bearbeiter: SEARCH{ "FeuersteinDaPlanning ...
GRGestickBoard1Evaluation This thesis is about the evaluation of the first Gestickboard prototype. The Gestickboard is based on the Gestyboard concept which is a ...
3D Sketching in a Virtual Environment 3D sketching Tasks: In depth literature search Understanding of sketching techniques in architecture design and engineering ...
HiwiGestickBoard1 In dieser Arbeit soll die Hardware für den ersten Prototypen des Gestickboards 1.0 gebaut und dessen Treiber implementiert werden. Beim Gestickboard ...
HiwiMobileARNavigationForVictimsInDisasters FORMFIELD{"Abstract"}
Improving AR Farm The goal is to improve the user experience of the current "Augmented Reality Farm" demonstrator. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v mWUvEjcYNv0 feature ...
!UbiTrack installer Create a Windows 7 installer for !UbiTrack. 8-10 hours per week free time management (sometimes) !HomeOffice is possible 3 month project Requirements ...
(Collaborative) Design Plattform (Collaborative) Design Plattform Fachgebiet Augmented Reality und Lehrstuhl für Architekturinformatik Kreative bzw. entwerferische ...
Diplom/Master Thesis/IDP: Design and development of Information presentaton (prioritization and transformation) manager in Driving simulator Thesis by: still open ...
MAComputerVisionCheckForPatientA Diese Ausschreibung wurde am 26.05.2014 erstellt. Kurzfassung der Masterarbeit In dieser Masterarbeit sollen in Kooperation mit dem ...
Diese Ausschreibung wurde am 24.06.2014 erstellt. Kurzfassung der Masterarbeit In dieser Masterarbeit soll die vorhandene OpenSource Library Candascent erweitert und ...
MAFraveMenuGrabber This work is about implementing an AR application which allows a smartphone or a tablet to be pointed towards virtual 3D Menus and grab them onto ...
MAIndoorLocalization Diese Ausschreibung wurde am 22.5.2014 erstellt. Kurzbeschreibung In dieser Arbeit sollen vorhandene Lokalisierungstechniken innerhalb von Geb ...
Masterarbeit: Evaluierung von Usability durch standardisierte qualitative Leitfadeninterviews Kurzfassung Verschiedene quantitative Fragebögen werden standardmäßig ...
Follow The Magic Lense This Work could be done in a BA, MA and Guided research thesis, the requirements are decided accordingly. Interaction in an immersive virtual ...
Point- and Linefeature based Bundle Adjustment for a Realtime-Trackingsystem Abstract Die Bündelausgleichsrechnung ist eine Technik um die Genauigkeit von 3D-Rekonstruktionen ...
Semiautomatic Registration from optical Ad-Hoc Tracking Modalities using CAD Models Abstract Contacts Supervisor: Christian Waechter Director: Prof. Gudrun Klinker ...
Spatial Context Management for Augmented Reality in Vehicles Master's Thesis BR Aufgabenstellerin: Prof. Gudrun Klinker BR Betreuer: Dipl.-Inf. Marcus Tönnis Introduction ...
Entwicklung eines Prozesses zur Kalibrierung von Datenhandschuhen in Virtuellen Umgebungen Development of a Calibration Process for Data Gloves in Virtual Environments ...
Gamification in Sensor Registration (BA/MA/GR) Source Description Gamification The use of design elements characteristic for games in non-game contexts (Deterding ...
MaGestyboard2 This theses is about continuing the implementation of a multitouch-keyboard (the Gestyboard) based on gestures which can be used with 10 fingers at ...
Fast image fusion on foveated images Thesis by: Janosch Peters Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Patrick Maier Due date: 2013/08/15 Abstract The goal of this ...
Integration of a Component Based Driving Simulator and Experiments on Multimodal ( Haptical and Optical) Driver Assistance TOC Subject Integration of various new ...
Smart-Phone Incremental Pose Tracking In Unregistered Environments
MaSuperResoultionOnTracking a00460.pdf: Master Thesis
Analysis of Conceptual Differences and Similarities Concerning the Interaction with Physical and Digital Objects in Augmented Reality Here are the documents of my ...
Virtual Simulation of Multi-Camera Optical Tracking Systems Thesis by: Denis Bakarassov Advisor: Peter Keitler Supervision by: Prof. Ph.D. Gudrun Klinker and Prof ...
Below The Surface Exploration This Work could be done in a BA, MA and Guided research thesis, the requirements are decided accordingly. Interaction in an immersive ...
Gamification Learning IT-Security aspects Thesis by: Markus Wesemann Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Andreas Dippon Due date: 2017/03/15 Abstract Information ...
Comparative Study of Path Variants for implicit Guidance in a simulated 3D Environment Thesis by: your name here Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus T ...
3D augmented virtuality sketching 3D augmented virtuality sketching Within the interdisciplinary project "Collaborative Design Platform" (http://cdp.ai.ar.tum.de ...
ManvBook ManvBook is a Disastar Managment System. The aim of this project is to develop an user friendly interface for the web based application, So that, it can ...
MapInteraction3 In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene User Interface Alternativen Benutzer-zentriert erweitert und evaluiiert werden. Dabei werden die Ergebnisse aus ...
MapInteractionTabletPC Entwicklung und Evaluierung von verschiedenen Alternativen zur Interaktion mit einer Kartenanwendung auf einem robusten Tablet PC im Bereich ...
Guided Research: Supporting collaborative map interaction on a tabletop device Multiple people work around a multitouch table with a map application. The map is viewed ...
MotivationSportsCaveKinectEmotionExergotchi MotivationSportsCaveKinectEmotionExergotchi In dieser Arbeit soll die Frage beantwortet werden, welchen Einfluss die Emotionen ...
MotivationSportsFlatScreenKinectEmotionExergotchi In dieser Arbeit soll die Frage beantwortet werden, welchen Einfluss die Emotionen eines virtuellen Avatars auf ...
MotivationSportsFlatScreenKinectEmotionExergotchi2 In dieser Arbeit soll die Frage beantwortet werden, welchen Einfluss die Emotionen eines virtuellen Avatars auf ...
MotivationSportsInitialResearchFirstApproach This thesis is about developing a concept for increasing the motivation to do sports with the help of ubiquitous computing ...
MouseEmulationTabletPC Development and evaluation of multiple alternatives for emulating a mouse on a touch-screen DE Entwicklung und Evaluierung von verschiedenen ...
NavimatixMapTabletPCIntegration Bachelor- Master-/Diplomarbeit: Integration einer Kartenanwendung der Firma !NaviMatix in einen bestehenden Demonstrator in Zusammenarbeit ...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Title text 80 Title Abstract textarea 80x5 Student text 80 Student Director text 80 Professor: Nassir Navab Gudrun Klinker Supervisor ...
SelectionButtonsTabletPC1 Entwicklung einer intuitiven Benutzerschnittstelle zur Selektion von einer vorausgewählten Menge an Kartenelementen Typ der Arbeit : Diplomarbeit ...
SelectionTabletPC In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene Selektionsalternativen implementiert und evaluiert werden, welche vom Rand eines speziellen sehr robusten und ...
Natural Feature Based Head- and Eye-Tracking TOC Subject With recent advances of Head-up Display (HUD) technology in cars, Augmented Reality becomes interesting in ...
Combining different Trackers in AMIRE Student : Benjamin Becker Supervisor : Dipl.Inf. Martin Bauer Updated : 13.10.2004 Student Project (SEP aka Software Entwicklungs ...
Construction of a mobile navigation wheel using Bluetooth TOC Subject Goal of this SEP is to construct and evaluate a navigation wheel concept for users in mobile ...
A GUI description language for use in Distributed Applications Goal of this work is to provide a software package to collect graphical user interfaces descriptions ...
Bachelor thesis Personalized Energy Measurements Thesis by: Wolf Rödiger Advisor: Björn Schwerdtfeger Advisor: Markus Weiss Supervision by: Prof. Grudrun Klinker ...
A User Interface for 3D Volume Rendering in Vision Space TOC Background Introduction of virual-reality technology into teaching and assessment of clinical skills ...
Evaluation of Software Defined Radio for Parasitic Tracking Thesis by: Reissner Ulrich Advisor: Manuel Huber Director: Gudrun Klinker Due date: 26.09.2007 Abstract ...
Run-time Development and Configuration of Dynamic Service Networks Student: Markus Geipel Supervisor: Asa MacWilliams Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission date ...
Empirical estimation of tracking ranges and application thereof for smooth transition between two tracking devices Student: Sven Hennauer Supervisor: Martin Wagner ...
Realization of a "window-into-a-virtual-world" screen concept. TOC Abstract Display and observer moving independently. Rendering is using anaglyphic stereo separation ...
Design of a 3D view component for DWARF Student: Otmar Hilliges Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Christian Sandor Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission date: 21.04.2004 ...
Head Mounted Laser Projector TOC Topic As Head Mounted Displays in Augmented Reality applications are fare away from being ready for (commercial) use we are going ...
Context-Aware Service Selection Based on the ARToolkit This thesis deals with extending the AR Toolkit's functionality to allow not only small stationary setups but ...
Virtual Engineering: Design of Optical See-through Displays TOC Abstract The design of optical see-through displays implicates special requirements to computer-aided ...
Entwicklung eines Systems zur dreidimensionalen Visualisierung von Lufträumen für VFR-Piloten Bearbeiter: Franz Mader Aufgabenstellerin: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Betreuer ...
Integrating a X-Server into a CAVE In this SEP we have to integrate the data represented from a x-Server onto display into CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment ...
Projektive Erweiterte Realität für die Unterstützung offener chirurgischer Operationen Arbeitstitel ProjeCT Student Project (SEP) , Main.MarkusMann This is a joint ...
Development of Multitouch-Enabled Games TOC Abstract The first intention of this work was the development of a complex program for a multitouch-table, using the libTISCH ...
Systementwicklungsprojekt: Intermittent synchronisation of mobile devices using regional available communication channels TOC Abstract Nowadays in mobile scenarios ...
Anticipation of Driver Behavior Thesis by: Marek Orschewski Advisor: Marcus Tönnis Supervision by: Gudrun Klinker Due date: Spring/Summer 2006 Abstract Advanced Driver ...
Break Out Augmented Reality for Computer Games Bearbeiter: Steven Pessall Aufgabensteller: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Ph.D. Betreuer: Martin Bauer Abgabedatum: 29.03.2004 ...
Augmented Reality Visualisation and Calibration of Medical Instruments Student: Main.ChristophPetzinger Supervisor: Dipl.Inf. Martin Bauer Professor: Prof. Gudrun ...
Application Programming Interface for Fire-wire Cameras Student: Johannes Schäffner Supervisor: Martin Bauer Professor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Submission date: 02.02 ...
Filter Framework for DWARF Motivation Augmented Reality is a technology which deals with a lot of spatial calculations. There are coordinate transformations to be ...
Entwicklung einer Messeinheit für die Bodenreaktionskräfte im Alpinen Skisport Interdisziplinäres Systementwicklungsprojekt des Fachgebiet für Augmented Reality ...
Smart Home Showroom TOC Subject Das Smart Home Showroom bei Siemens Corporate Technology wird als voll ausgestattete intelligente Wohnung direkt neben normalen B ...
Personalized Ubiquitous Computing with Handhelds in an Ad-Hoc Service Environment Systementwicklungsprojekt Student: Franz Strasser Professor: Gudrun Klinker Supervisor ...
TouchGlove Input Device The TouchGlove input device is a new input device developed by the Columbia University. It consists of a half-glove and touch-sensitive surface ...
Serial Driver for the Aurora Magnetic Tracker Student Project (SEP) , Zhen Zhang Goal of this student project is writing a serial driver for the Aurora magnetic tracker ...
TilingWindowManagerAndroid Developing and implementing of a prototype for a tiling window manager on a multitouch device where apps can be launched in tiles. Tiles ...

Statistics for Students Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 8234 2 ...
ZoomingTabletPC In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene Zooming und Scrollingalternativen implementiert und evaluiert werden, welche vom Rand eines speziellen sehr robusten ...

Number of topics: 239
Results from TWiki web

Number of topics: 1
Results from UbiTrack? web
trackframe day 2009 Heterogeneous Tracking for Augmented Reality in Wide-Area Environments Tracking is a major challenge for Augmented Reality applications. Espe ...

Statistics for UbiTrack Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 2699 0 ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from Visitors web
Besuch der 11. Jahrgangsstufe des Gymnasiums Grafing 2007 Termin: 11. Mai 2007 Organisatorinnen: Cornelia Pfeiffer, Gudrun Klinker 150 Schüler und Schülerinnen (Bilder ...
Computer-Aided Medical Procedures: Computerhilfen beim Operieren Durch viele bildgebende Verfahren helfen Computer heute Ärzten, hochpräzise Informationen über den ...
Augmented Reality und 3D Nutzerschnittstellen: Cyberspace zum Anfassen Wie kann man mit Psychologen und Autoherstellern planen und testen, wie Informationen am besten ...
Fördertechnik Materialfluss Logistik: VR-Kommissionierung Wie kann man Leute unterstützen und schulen, wenn sie für kundenspezifische Autobestellungen alle notwendigen ...
Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Demonstrationen eines Systems zur sensor-basierten Analyse von Fußballspielen und einer „Intelligenten Küche“ War der Ball wirklich ...
Werkzeug- und Betriebswissenschaften: Roboter-Teaching Wie kann man einem Roboterarm beibringen, wohin er sich wann und wie bewegen soll, um Maschinen zu bauen (schwei ...
Leibniz Rechenzentrum: Rundgang durch den „Rechnerwürfel“ und Demonstrationen im 3D Visualisierungslabor Veranstalter: R. Oesmann, Prof. Hegering Weitere Informationen ...
Ergonomie: 3D Fahrsimulator Welche Informationen kann man einem Autofahrer auf welche Art während des Autofahrens geben, ohne dass dieser einen Unfall verursacht ...
Informatik – ein Kinderspiel Wie schreibt man Computerprogramme? Wie lernt man zu programmieren? Es wird eine Lernumgebung vorgestellt, demonstriert und genutzt, ...
Robotik: Demonstration der Roboter des JAST-Projektes und einer Modelleisenbahn Ziel des EU-Projekts „Joint Action Science and Technology“ ist es, autonome Systeme ...
Software Bugs Programmieren ist doch ganz einfach und logisch, oder? Warum gibt es dann so viele Programme mit Fehlern? In diesem Vortrag werden eine Reihe eindrucksvoller ...
Software Systems Engineering: Werkzeuggestützte Entwicklung von eingebetteten und reaktiven System Wie kann man mit Systemen umgehen, die mit ganz anderen Bedingungen ...
Computer Graphik Visualisierung: Demonstrationen zur Visualisierung komplexer naturwissenschaftlicher Messungen und Simulationen Wie umströmt Luft ein Objekt, welche ...
Wirtschaftsinformatik: Wie steuern Unternehmen ihre Abläufe, und wie nutzen sie Ressourcen? Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen Was hat der Kunde bestellt? Haben wir das ...
Der Besuch der Technischen Universität München am 11.05.2007 war mal etwas außergewöhnliches. Zunächst wurden uns viele Informationen über die TUM gegeben, die einerseits ...

Statistics for Visitors Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 12 0 0 ...

Number of topics: 16
Lehrstuhl für Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality    rss.gif